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After we got back home Stiles and Scott got ready for school, they had talked me into staying home rather than going to school today, which I was not going to argue with. I was still exhausted and sore as hell from last night's events and still had a headache from hell. I changed into an oversized T-shirt and a pair of my black leggings and climbed into my queen canopy bed. I was laying in bed watching an episode of Criminal Minds on Netflix when I heard a couple of knocks on my door frame, I looked over to see Scott in the doorway with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Hey" I said sitting up slightly as he made his way into the room. He sat on the side of my bed next to me placing the bottle of water on my nightstand along with a couple of aspirins.

"I figured I'd bring these up before I head out. You feeling okay?" he asked looking at me intently under his lashes.

"Yeah, I'm just sore and still have a bit of a headache. I'll be fine bub, I promise." I said hugging him gently.

"I'm sorry El, I should have been there... If anything had happened to you..." he says tightening his grip on me.

"Scott, I don't think he actually wanted to hurt me. I think that he was trying to get me to use my powers... He just looked at me as if he knew something. And its not your fault none of us knew he was going to be there, okay? Don't beat yourself up over something you couldn't control." I said pulling back from his embrace slightly to look at him. Guilt clouded my brothers face as he looked at me. He stood up and kissed me on the forehead.

"I know sis but its not going to change how I feel about you getting hurt. Get some rest I'll check on you later. I love you Elianna."  He said walking towards the door.

"I love you too, bub." I said giving him a small smile. He paused in the doorway looking over his shoulder at me guilt clouding his features.

"I'll never let anything happen to you El, not again." He said. And with that he left, Scott has always been super protective of me, growing up he would always stand by my side against bullies, hold me when I cried, made sure I'd eat and drink enough or make sure I wasn't hard on myself. He has always been there for me no matter the situation, he really stepped up when dad left knowing how much it hurt me and how much harder it was on me since I had been a daddy's girl. This is the prime moment for a daddy issues joke but that's besides the point. The point is we always take care of each other, we know more about each other than we do ourselves. We look out for one another no matter what, we are the most important people to one another. His safety and health will always come before my own no matter what, I won't let anything ever happen to him, he's my brother, my twin... If something happened to him, I'd lose a part of my self. I let out a sigh when I heard the downstairs door shut signaling that he left for school. I grabbed the water off my nightstand and took a couple aspirins before laying down to get some rest. I was still so tired from the nights events it wasn't long till I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up at about noon and let me tell you something, I felt as if it had been hit by a bus. My body felt like it was filled with lead, my headache was gone though. I made my way to the bathroom and looked myself over in the mirror. The sight of my reflection was sickly to say the least, dried blood was crusted around my nose, the black and red circles under my eyes were defined, there was dried blood caked around my ears I didn't even know they had been bleeding, and my complexion its self was just pale and sickly. My face looked hollow and lifeless, I looked as if I had been malnourished and beaten, the bruises around my neck were bright and very discernable against my unnaturally pale skin. I started stripping my clothes off throwing them into the hamper, I turned on the shower as hot as I could stand it without it legitimately burning me, jumping in and scrubbing my body harshly. After the water started to run cold, I decided my body was clean enough, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself. I walked out of the bathroom not bothering with drying my hair or body, as I made my way into my room, I stopped in my tracks grabbing my towel tightly as I jumped back. Standing in front of my now open window was Derek-freaking-Hale. As I looked at him, I began to wonder if he owned any other clothes besides his black leather jacket, grey shirt, and dark denim jeans.

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