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We pulled up to the Beacon Hill's Preserve sign that reads in big bold letters "NO ENTRY AFTER DARK" not that that's going to stop Stiles. Stiles and I pile out of the jeep and I turn around to pull the seat up for Scott to get out since he's in the back. When Stiles first got Baby blue as I like to his Jeep Stiles let me call shot gun infinitely much to Scott's dismay. When Scott tried to argue that that wasn't fair, but Stiles just shrugged it off and said that it was because I was "scarier" than Scott. Then Scott mumbled something I couldn't hear but it was quite amusing because Stiles's face turned this bright red color and started jerking around in spastic movements turning in his seat telling Scott if he didn't shut up, he could walk. Oh, that was a great day.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked annoyed as we all made our way to the front of the jeep. I looked around looking at the dense forest surrounding us, it was quite beautiful and peaceful, but the ever-growing darkness of the night sky gave the forest a creepy and damning glow. I don't like the dark, I never have, there's too much left unseen. Too much left to be hidden by the shadows and I didn't like the endless possibilities of what could lurk unseen inside of the shadows.

"You're the one that's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" I say just as annoyed still scanning our surroundings. Its not like my loving brother tried to say anything while I was getting dragged out to the car.

"Yeah exactly! Ella Thank you!" he says shaking his head from side to side.

It's cold as hell out here, I wish they would've at least let me grab another jacket we've been out here for five minutes and I'm already shivering but its not entirely from the cold. It feels like someone's watching us though that's probably just my nerves talking from the uneasiness I feel from the dark.

"Are you cold" Stiles says sincerely and grabbing my arm gently, I turned to look at him and I nod to answer his question too caught up in how pretty his eyes really are. I really wish he'd let his hair grow out some don't get me wrong he's cute with a buzz cut but damn he'd be hot with shaggier hair. He turns on his heal and heads back to his jeep, rummaging through his bag in the backseat. I shake my head slightly as a blush starts to set in on my pale cheeks and focus on the woods again. Wow did I really just get caught gawking at Stilinski.  He returns with a slightly thicker blue jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. My brother watching his every move, Scott rolls his eyes and huffs at Stiles. I swear he acts like a puppy.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott whines as we start our long walk through the Preserve. Stiles stays close to me to make sure I don't trip or anything.

"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort" Styles calls over his shoulder dodging some branches and moving them out of my way keeping our fast pace.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line" Scott says defensively. I snort in amusement and I can feel Scott's glare on the back of my head.

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream" Stiles said back focusing more on where we're going rather than Scotts constant whining.

"Even if it's a pathetically unrealistic one" I say, laughing at my brothers annoyed huff. I'm not trying to be an ass, but my brother and Stiles suck and I mean bad. It's pretty sad but when they practiced over the summer, they'd bring me along and they'd then both say I was cheating when I'd out maneuver them, then they'd bench me I had honestly thought about trying out. And plus, Scott can't last long without having to use his inhaler because of his asthma.

Scott being the two-year-old that he is crosses his arms and stomps around, then he changes the subject as he normally does when he doesn't have a comeback. "Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" I will give him that one, because it is a very good question and he doesn't ask them very often.

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