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I was sitting with Lydia and Allison at lunch working on my history essay that has some relevance to my own family history. Allison was going on about some book she was doing her research with. "The what of who?" Lydia asked seemingly confused on what this has to do with anything and bored of the conversation.

"The beast of Gevaudan. Listen. "A quadruped wolf - like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it.".

"Boring." she has my interest peeked, sounds like werewolves to me.

"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan."

"Still boring." Lydia chirped.

"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid."

"Slipping into a coma bored." I rolled my eyes at her bitchy antic but smiled, continuing to type out my easy, mine not nearly as interesting most just shit about how my family was some of the original land owners and founders of beacon hills.

"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape - shift into a man - eating monster." my head snapped up at this, the pen that was in my mouth falling to the table.

"So it's a mythical legendary creature?" I add gaging her response. She doesn't know does she?

"Any of this have anything to do with your family?"

"This. "It is believed that la Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature." His name was Argent." Holy fuck balls Allison's family are the hunters. I'm going to kill those imbeciles. I put my stuff in my bags and rushed to leave to find the boys. "I'll see you guys later I forgot to hand in an assignment from were I was out." and with that I rushed to leave out cafeteria to find dippshit one and two. Oh I'm going to kill them both. I made it almost to the door when glanced over and saw my idiot brother hiding behind his world history book I walk over at the end of their conversation. Smacking my bother in the back of the head. "Ow what was that for?"

"Oh I don't know maybe for not telling me that your girlfriends family are a bunch of hunters, dippshit!" I whisper yell at him.

"Ohhhhh, yeah that..." he grinned at me. Oh, how I would love to smack that lop sided grin off his face right now. Stupid ass, with that I smack him in the back of the head again. "What's with the book dumbass?" I say pointing to the book he has held up in front of his face. Stiles lets out an airy laugh, rolling his eyes and shaking his head at my brothers stupidity.

"He's hiding from Allison, I think the book's making it more obvious. Besides, she's reading, anyway." Stiles points out. "Besides don't you think she would have come over here if she intended to in the first place? She's reading about her ancestors, the werewolf hunters." I add in.

"So did you come up with a plan yet?" of course he changes the conversation. He keeps poking his head up from behind the book. "I think so."

"Does that mean you don't hate me now?" Ha, like they could ever actually hate eachother, I chuckle under my breath. "No. But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek." I openly laugh at this, Stiles is just as clueless as we are but he doesn't give up at a challenge, he'll work it until there's no other options.

"Okay, yeah, you teach me." I roll my eye's, he's trying for brownie points and he's getting it.

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

"Yeah, you be my Yoda."

"Your Yoda I will be. I said it backwards." he said trying to imitate Yoda's voice. Stiles is grinning like a child, and it melts my heart, causing me to grin as well.

"Yeah, I - I know."

"He doesn't even get that reference." I say laughing, Stiles's smile fades.

"All right, you know what? I definitely still hate you. Uh - huh. Oh, yeah." He says standing up stealing his book from Scott and stuffing it in his bag, and grabs my hand pulling me with him. Heading to our next class.


"Okay. Now - put this on." Stiles says handing Scott a heart monitoring band.

"Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?" Oh nothing gets past him. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I borrowed it."

"Stole it." Scott and I say simultaneously.

"Temporarily misappropriated. Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day."

"Isn't that coach's phone?" we raise a brow at him.

"That, I stole."


"All right, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right? When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, whenever you get angry. Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate." Stiles says, honestly that makes sense, I wish mine was as easy to distinguish like that. Mine is just like a light switch that I need to learn to turn on and off, or at least tighten the loose bulb so it stops flickering.

"Like the Incredible Hulk." at least he's some what cultured.

"Kind of like the Incredible Hulk, yeah."

"No, I'm like the Incredible Hulk."

"Would you shut up and put the strap on?"

"This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period." They move to the field and I sit on the bleachers watching as Stiles duct tapes my brothers hands behind his back. Oh, this is going to be entertaining. I watch as Stiles nails my brother repeatedly with a lacrosse ball over and over, wincing in my seat at the sound they make when coming in contact with my brother, laughing the whole time. Scott starts bouncing on his heels, trying to prepare for the next series of hits. I'm very much enjoying this, that's what that asshole gets. I look to my right and see Jackson standing there watching the two idiots in the field, laughing. God, he looks like he's about to kill over. At least this is bound to improve Stiles's lacrosse skills.

There's another series of shots and Scott buckles to the ground, his heart rate increasing. I lean closer, elbows on my knees chewing my acrylics. Scott rips out of his bindings, grunting against the ground. His heart rate decreases and his breathing steadies out. "Come on bub" I say under my breath. I jump up and walk over and hear my Stiles say "So it is anger, then. Derek's right."

"I can't be around Allison."

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Just because she makes you happy?"

"No, because she makes me weak." He says. I huff and make a disgruntled grunt.

"Wowwww, you're fucking dumb. I'm going to go and let you deal with your fragile masculinity" I say as I walk away, I don't have the energy to deal with my brothers sexist mentality right now.

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