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I woke up not long after to hearing shuffling and hushed shouting coming from my brothers' room, I bolted out of my bed and rushed into his room to find Derek had my brother shoved against the wall harshly. Yelling at him over what had happened during practice today, Scott had shifted and barely made it out without being seen. Only he tried to eat my boyfriend apparently.

"You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me, they find out about her. About all of us. And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone." He yelled shoving my brother further into the wall.

"But - They didn't see anything! I..s - swear, I –" Scott tried to reason with him, my heart rate was rising along with my temper, fire was spreading through my veins. Him threatening my brother was causing rage to boil over, my eyes were burning from the heat that reached my face. They still hadn't noticed me as I was trying to reign in my anger and think about the situation at hand clearly.

"And they won't! Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday - I'm gonna kill you myself." That was the last straw, I couldn't contain my anger any longer. Again, I felt as if a switched had been flipped and I fed into my anger. This time though it wasn't the pull on my mind or the static running up and down my arms, it was just rage and I let it take control. I've had some minor anger issues in the past but nothing like this.

I cleared the distance between the three of us, and before Derek had a chance to react, I grabbed him by the collar of his black leather jacket and slammed him to the floor. I stood over him glaring at him intensely placing myself between him and my brother. My body was vibrating with rage and I needed a release. As soon as he stood up, I hauled off and punched him in the face, a satisfying crunch sounding as my fist collided with the soft flesh of his nose. He stumbled slightly at the impact and before he had a chance to get his baring's back, I put my forearm across is neck and grabbed his shirt into my other hand slamming him into the opposing wall.

Once his glaring eye's locked with mine I roughly slammed him further into the wall watching the scarlet liquid flow from his nose satisfyingly. "Don't ever threaten HIM again! Or I swear to god, I'll spend the rest of my life however long that may be, to track you down and beat the living dog shit out of you, Every. Single. Day." I screamed at him. I lowered my voice to a whisper, keeping my rage gazed locked on his eyes. "If you ever threaten his life again, I'll kill you myself Derek." I turned away from him and looked at Scott, his brown eyes meeting mine, his crooked jaw slack leaving his mouth slightly agape. He looked surprised, shocked, amazed, and slightly afraid by what he witnessed.

"Elianna, your eyes... They're silver" he said in an amazed tone. I rushed out of his room and into our connected bathroom looking into the mirror above our porcelain sink. My reflection remains as it was this morning pale and sickly, the only difference was instead of having the brown eyes that mirror my brothers staring back at me I had bright metallic silver eyes staring back at me. It was like a whole other person was standing before me, the same sickly appearance with dark circles under my eyes, dark brown wavy hair that fell past the small of my back, exactly the same only different eyes. Scott was standing in the door looking at me in amazement, I looked to him and just thought about how everything had changed so much in the past few days. The only constant that remained was our little family, Lydia and Stiles. I looked back at the mirror taking a deep breath and when I looked back at my reflection my eyes were back to normal, dark brown eyes were staring back at me. I shifted from the sink and walked calmly back into Scott's bedroom, my nerves were calming, and the rage was quickly fading, I had a clear head again. I looked around the bedroom in search for Derek, but he was already gone. I turned on my heel to look my brother over from head to toe.

"Are you okay."

"Yeah I'm fine El," he laughed lightly, swatting my hands away. "You know although his manors suck, he is right, I shouldn't play tomorrow."

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