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I have decided to start training today, might as well start now I don't have anything else to do. I'm going to die of boredom if I don't leave this house, of course the boys aren't around. So out the door I prance. I go out to the preserve not really sure what exactly the plan is. Once I get there I run the trail to Derek's house, and not surprisingly he's on the porch as if he's waiting on me. "I need your help. I want you to help me train." I say to him taking a drink of my water. "I don't know anything about how your abilities work but we can figure it out" he says shrugging his shoulders. I don't know where to start but I want to know how to gain control. I have only used my powers by accident or out of anger/defense, I want to know how to use them at will. 

"I've only used my powers out of fear or anger, I want to be able to control them, to use them as if they're a part of me a reflex." I say rocking on my heals. Derek is my only option, he knows a bit about what I am, being a Ki̱demónas. Being scared of what I am and running from it is what almost killed me, I'm done running and I'm done with being fragile. I will embody what I am. 

"We will start with your senses feeling the emotions around you and combat hand to hand, along with your heightened hearing. Are you sure you're ready?" he asks approaching me, he has an air of confidence around him. Always so sure of himself and I envy that about him. "It should flow around you easily once you start to understand it, you'll be able to visualize it." he adds walking in a circle around me. "It should be easy to pick up because you've done it before you just have to recognize what it is that you are doing and how you access the power." he's standing right behind me, leaning over my shoulder. "Close your eyes let your senses guide you, Elianna." he said in an almost sultry tone. I follow his instructions and close my eyes concentrating on the air around me. 

I stand there for a couple of minutes when I feel something. I feel Derek's power like a light mist against my skin. I picture it as a blue mist resting against my back. I reach out to it with my mind, remaining completely still and its like I unlock a secret door way to him. I feel anger, pain, determination and fondness. I can recognize what I'm going to call his aurora so I decide to try something else, I push ever so slightly back against his mind until I hear him let out a small gasp. Once I hear his gasp I let the memories of my awakening flow from my mind into his. I can feel and see his aurora change form into despair and sadness, so I change the topic and show him images of my time with Lisa. Once those flash through I pull back and open my eyes.

Turning to look at him I can feel his sadness mix with happiness from the experience. "You met her?" I give him a small smile and nod. "She's my guide now, she said one day she will tell me the origin story." he nodded his head and looked to the ground. "She's very fond of you Derek. she thanks you for everything you did for her" I told him and I could literally feel his heart swell. 

"Well, I couldn't help her but I can you so lets get to work. You picked that up pretty easily lets try testing your combat. This should all feel natural to you and feel like second nature. let your senses drive you." at that he took a step back and got into a fighting stance. He won't let it show but seeing her and hearing that she thanks him, really touched him somewhere in that cold fortress of a heart he has. I don't know their history but I know he cared for her. I copied his wide stance with my fists in front of me. "It's not all about the defense its about the offense too. Dodge when you can and strike when you must." I studied his movements when he stepped left I stepped right, and vise versa. We were going in circles at the moment and then he struck, a quick blow to my cheek. It hurt like a bitch and I could taste copper. I shook it off and focused in on him again, he steps before he strikes. I waited again and he stepped in again trying to land a punch on me. I side stepped, grabbed his wrist and used his momentum against him landing an elbow to the back of his head, pushing him away from me. 

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