Made of Nightmares

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"This is a terrible idea." Stiles says as we stand out in front of the high school waiting on Derek.

"Yeah, I know."

"But we're still gonna do it?"

"Can you think of something better?"

"Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away." I scoffed oh Stilinski if only that would work. Stiles pulled out bolt cutters and a big flashlight from the back of the jeep and I stood against the back looking out at the forest on edge. I looked over seeing Derek pulling up next to us.

"Just make sure we can get inside. He's here. Where's my boss?"

"He's in the back." He gestures over his shoulder to the back seat in which we all look to check on Deaton.

"Oh, well, he looks comfortable."

"Why does this feel like hostage negotiations" Derek gives me an unamused look and I raise my hands in defeat. "Sorry, just trying to ease the tension.." using a posh British accent, Fred Weasley would be proud.

"Wait. Hey. What are you doing?" Derek asks as the boys move towards the school.

"You said I was linked with the Alpha. I'm gonna see if you're right." I sat on the hood of his charger waiting for the boy as he comes up next to me bumping his shoulder into mine. "You okay?" I let out a big sigh watching the boys until they disappear into the school. "Yeah, I'm good....." he nodded watching the boys as well. "I don't think differently about you, I understand why you did it... I just think you're wrong about Deaton. He's a good person." I said looking in to his steal grey eyes. "I hope you're right El, I really do." I nodded going back to looking around the woods surrounding the school. We were silent for a while waiting when the sound of a wounded chihuahua came through the intercom. I laughed because it was the most horrendous sound I've ever heard.

"You've got to be kidding me." he sounded annoyed, huffing but when he looked over at me I busted out laughing again and he couldn't help but smiling. He let out a laugh as well and I looked at him shocked. "What?" he asked confused. "You have a nice laugh. I've never heard it before" He returned my smile which took years off of him lightening his eyes and features.

Then suddenly we heard Scott howl, so loud it radiated through the ground and through my being. Derek looked shocked and surprised by the howl itself, almost proud not that he will ever admit that. They came out all smiles, proud of themselves. I jumped off the hood standing beside Derek, trying to shake the goose bumps from my skin.

"I'm gonna kill both of you. What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?" Derek asked furious.

"Sorry. I didn't know it would be that loud." Scott said like a scolded puppy.

"Yeah, it was loud. And it was AWESOME." Stiles said ecstatically.

"Shut up." he snapped at the hyperactive boy.

"Don't be such a sour wolf." I snickered and Derek shot an unimpressed look at me and I just smiled and shrugged. "What'd you do with him?" Scott asked all eyes turned to Derek's car and I moved closer to Derek as I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, as if I could feel eyes on us. "What? I didn't do anything." Derek's door was standing open and Deaton was no where to be seen. Derek gave me a look as if to say I told you so and I glanced around scanning the area in front of us but couldn't see anything. My nerves and powers were on edge as my heart raced in my chest.

Derek was picked up next to me and I was thrown all the way into the entrance doors of the building. Pain spread through my body at the impact. I watched from where I was on the ground and screamed his name. I attempted to get up and run after him but the boys dragged me back and into the building. Everything was happening so fast, I tried to claw my way to help Derek panicked at the blood seeping from his mouth but the boys wouldn't let me go. He was thrown to the ground against a wall and was unmoving, the boys pulled me in and closed the door. I couldn't see him anymore. I slid down the wall wondering if he was dead. I held my hand against my stomach as a wave of nausea hit me, it felt wet and I looked down to see that my hand was red from blood, as the boys frantically tried to figure out how to keep the monster at bay, I lifted my shirt. Across my abdomen was three deep gashes bleeding heavily. At that moment I was thankful I was wearing all black. I pulled my jacket back down over the gashes.

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