Escaping Hell

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When I woke, Scott was standing over me shaking me awake. "El. Ella! You've gotta get up! We need to get out of here!" he whisper yelled at me. I looked around us confused and realized we're in the gym. The situation dawns on me in my drowsy state. I shakily get to my feet looking at my brother standing in front of me looking terrified with a large vial in his hand. He takes a step in front of me protectively staring at something on the other side of the gym. I look over his shoulder and I see the alpha in all of his disgusting glory.

"Come on. Come get me. Damn it." and with that the Alpha is running towards us. He throws the vial and it shatters on the alpha. "What are you trying just to piss it off?" I ask him frantically as we stand there and the beast stares at us for a moment. "It was supposed to be a molotov cocktail" he explains as he pushes me back quickly, I push him behind me switching our previous position. He makes a noise of protest as the alpha starts rushing us again. "Just trust me, damn it!" I yell and he stops struggling against me. "You caught me by surprise last time you bastard." I square my shoulders and focus all my energy into my hands and point it at the beast, I then sling it in the direction of the far wall. Slamming the beast into it. I grab my brother by the arm and yell at him to run. I underestimated the alphas' speed and as we make it to the gym's door the alpha throws us back across the gym, again. When I land on the cold hard floor with the wind knocked out of me.

I climb onto my hands and knees looking for my brother to see the alpha with his head held down to the side, his eyes glowing their yellow and the alpha lets out a loud howl. I cover my ears and scream the howl building pressure in my head feeling as if it's going to pop, completely incapacitating me for the moment. Covering my ears I curl into a ball. It all stops and I look up to see that he is gone and my brother is frantically looking around and I get up and run to him. But then he starts flailing on the ground, struggling on the ground with an invisible force.

He gets up and starts walking around menacingly, the air around him screams dangerous. "Scott! Scott, where are you going? We need to..." He lifts his arm and slams me down the corridor and just continues on his way. It's almost like he's possessed. I follow at a distance knowing that this is the Alpha's doing and Scott has to fight this, but I don't know how to help him do so. We're getting closer to the chemistry class and creepy wolf boy Dalhmer is stalking slowly closer to the door. "Scott.... Scott this isn't you. You have to fight this, Fight the Alpha Scott.. Please you can do it, bub please." I whisper to him as he slowly places the key in the lock. The Alpha wants him to kill them because they, human or not, are the closest thing he has to a pack. He stops and leans against the door taking deep breaths about to hit the door, he hears Allison. "That's it, Scott listen to her voice. Focus on her" I whisper as I hear Allison talking to the others.. She's the only one that can bring him back to himself. I push into his mind and let memories of Allison flow from my mind to his, soon they fade to his own memories of her.

When the memories fade I hear him break the key in the lock, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Evidently everyone in the room had heard it too as Allison started yelling for Scott and frantically beating and trying to open the door. I cringed away from the door and I heard Lydia yell at them "Stop... Do you hear that?" I listened closely and could hear sirens in the distance. Scott ran the opposite direction and made it to the lobby, I was close behind him not letting him out of my sight. He fell to the ground fighting his transformation. He was back to normal thankfully, he successfully fought off the Alphas grasp on his wolf.... This time.

The sheriff rounded us up and led us out of the building. As soon as I saw Stiles I wrapped him in a hug and kissed his cheek, checking him over from head to toe to make sure he was okay. "I'm fine El, I promise" he said, pulling me into another hug. "You sure it was Derek Hale?" Sheriff Stilinski asked us all. "I'm not. I never saw his face even when he took me to the gym, it was from behind and I was knocked out." I said still not happy that Derrick was being thrown under the bus and then backed over. "Yes." Scott answered looking at me as if he felt bad. "I saw him too." Stiles added looking only slightly bad for throwing Derek under the bus. "What about the janitor?" Scott asked the sheriff. "We're still looking." He asked slightly exacerbated. "Did you check under the bleachers? Under them?" Scott added excitedly. "Yeah, Scott, we looked. We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing." this whole night has done nothing but give me a headache. The cops can't find anything, and I would just love to know when the alpha had time to clean up after himself and what the hell happened to Derek. Because we just made him a criminal for shit he didn't even do all because Scott couldn't say he didn't know what was happening. "I'm not making this up." my brother sighed desperately.

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