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I haven't left my house since everything happened at the school. The boys went out last night and got back late. Scott's been a moody ass which I can't honestly blame him since Allison wants to act like a bitch with a stick up her ass. She keeps texting me but I just delete them I don't want to deal with her bull crap. I don't understand why she was acting the way she was? Like I get that she was scared, we all were. I'll even give her being confused but to act like a whiney, spoiled brat because my brother left her side to find me and to get them out of harms way? Seriously pathetic. 

My alarm goes off bright and early, I figured I'd blow off some steam and go for a long run. I haven't been sleeping, every time I close my eyes I see that beast staring at me. I get dressed and Head to my Jeep. It's four in the morning so no one is out and I honestly couldn't be happier that the town is so dead. I like the quietness of it, like I'm the only person in the world. It leaves my soul feeling peaceful. I get to the beacon hills preserves and put my headphones in and start my run. I'm not following trails just running aimlessly through the woods. 

I push myself harder and harder till I'm actually breaking a sweat. Although my side is aching, I didn't tell the boys that it hasn't completely healed yet because they don't need to worry. My guess is it'll just take longer than what Scott's does because I'm not a werewolf. I come to a stop next to a creek and just sit there looking at the beautiful views around me. I didn't even notice the sun come up. I hear something rustling to my left and notice a deer, just grazing unbothered not even 20 feet from me. I watch it appreciating its ability to just exist in a simple life, knowing its threats and its meaning. He stops grazing and just looks at me sizing up whether I'm a threat or not. I stand slowly and inch closer to him as he walks to me. I crouch down on the balls of my feet as he comes closer, I can feel his calmness in his aura. I put my hand out flat facing him and he places his snout against my hand and I feel myself feeding off his calming demeanor. I just look at him and the softness in his big round eyes, seemingly just content. I've never seen a wild deer this close, this calm and trusting. 

"Hi buddy, why are you not scared of me?" I ask tilting my head to the side. I pet his head gently and stand up and he stares a few moments and walks away. I take my phone and look at the time and see that its almost eight, I send a text to my mom and let her know where I am and that I'm not ready to go back to school today after everything that had happened. She texts me and said thats fine and she understands and to take my time and if I need anything call her and I thank her and go back to my run. 

I don't pay attention to where I'm going and just let my mind flow to where ever it may go. Some how or another I end up at the the infamous Hale house. I look at the house the warm breeze throwing my hair around my face. I can still smell a slight hint of char in the air from the burnt remains of the home mixed with the sweet woodsie outdoor aroma. I don't believe that Derek is dead, they never found him and I doubt the Alpha would've taken him. He's out there somewhere probably hiding from the mess Scott and Stiles made for him. I don't know how to explain it but I feel him still, I know he's still out there and he will come and find us when he's ready to. 

I turn and make my way back to my Jeep to go home it takes me a while to get there because I'm in no hurry what so ever and took the long way back again not taking any trails. Once I'm home I go straight to the shower, after my shower I stand in front of my full body mirror and just look at myself, I've toned up so much since everything happened. I get into comfy clothes and lay in bed and watch Criminal Minds. I honestly just feel so damn exhausted. At some point I fall asleep.  

Only I'm not asleep, no I'm back in the woods? I scan the area around me and the only thing there are tree's. But something catches my attention, a larger than life stump only feet away from me. This is a part of the forrest I don't recognize. It's dark and the air smells of damp leaves. I continue to scan the woods around me and when I make another circle I stop dead in my tracks. There she is, Lisa. Just as I remember her, although now she's in darker clothing as if dressed for them damp weather. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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