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05:00am came way too soon. Scott came in early this morning freaking out, apparently a wolf attacked him last night in the woods, found the body, and he almost got hit by a car. He had me bandage him this morning and if I hadn't known about the extinction of wolves in California, I would've believed it was a wolf. I didn't have the heart to tell him that they have been extinct in Cali since 1924, but what I can tell you how ever that he was in fact attacked by an animal. I crawled out of my bed and got ready for my morning run. I stayed in my black spandex shorts that I had put on last night and put on a sports bra with a cut out bright pink graphic T-shirt with the pink Floyd cover picture on it and my black NIKE's. I glanced at my nightstand and the clock read 05:10am. I make a protein shake and quickly drink it before heading out.

I pulled out my iPhone and hit shuffle on Pandora and stuffed it into the waist of my shorts and put in my headphones as I began my run. I always start out hard and fast and eventually slow my pace as needed, it was weird though because I've already made it to the Stilinski residence three blocks over and I'm not winded at all. Mr. Stilinski is leaving for work as I run past his house, we both wave at each other as I continue my run. I decided to push myself and extent my run since I'm not winded at all and run to the eight-block mark and round back still keeping the 'I'm running from a monster' pace, at least that's what I call it. I must have been focused on my music because before I knew it I was back at the steps to my house barely winded at all, I walk up the stairs and into my room to see that it is now 06:03am I made an extended run in less time than my normal route with barely becoming winded, "What the hell did they put in protein shakes no a days?" I mutter to myself in disbelief.

I jumped in the shower blow dried my hair. I got dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt tucked into my dark denim, waist high skinny jeans with brown leather ankle high boots and a brown leather jacket. I walked into Scotts room and he was still asleep. He was laying on his stomach snoring like a bear.

"Scott! Hey! Get up it's 06:45, you're gonna be late, so get your lazy ass up!" I say kicking his bed. He springs up out of the bed as if someone had attached a live wire to his foot, causing me to leap back yelping slightly.

"I'm up. I'm up" he says groggily. And heads to the shower.

While he's in the shower I go and finish my makeup. I hear a horn outside and look out the window to see Lydia's car in the driveway waiting on me. "Scott Lydia's here to pick me up! Don't be late to school!" I said on my way out the door.

I climb into Lydia's car and she looks me up and down and gives me a smile. "You look cute! Maybe Stiles will notice you" she said wiggling her perfectly manicured brows at me as she drives off. She knows the whole story on my feelings on Stiles.

I scoffed "As if, there's only one girl in this school that he wants and that's definitely not me."

She side eyes me and gives me a look that says I'm crazy. "He'd be crazy not to want you Elianna, plus I don't even know why you like him he's a total spazz. I mean have you not ever seen how that boy looks at you? It's like he worships the ground you walk-on, I wish Jackson looked at me the way Stiles looks at you" she says grumpily.

"Lyd, you're out of your mind if you think that he thinks of me as anything more than a friend" I say as we pull up to the school and get out of her car. "And for someone who doesn't seem to know he exists you sure do bring him up a lot" I said with a huff.

"Just because he's your friend doesn't mean I have to acknowledge his existence. Also why are you even bothering with him when there are plenty of other single hot boys here that want you". She says puckering her signature red stained lips in that Lydia way and flipping her strawberry blonde hair making her way up the steps of the school in a blue floral print dress and brown ankle boots much like the ones I'm wearing. I stopped listening to her ramble on about how there are plenty of fish in the sea and watched Stiles nearly fall over himself to try and talk to her. She's literally everything a guy could ever want beautiful, smart, sassy I mean damn she's the whole damn package. "Hey, Lyd, I'll talk to you later, I need to get to my locker and head to class. Do you have AP English first period?"

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