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AUTHORS NOTE: This is a transition chapter from the hospital and getting back into a the series storyline. Not everything is going to match up time lines will flow into my story line but may be slightly different, but it does follow the teenwolf storyline. I'm jumping to episode 5 of season 1 right before the episode begins but its supposed to be a week in a half difference.  


After two days of sitting in my hospital room watching lame dramas or talking to the boys or Lydia, I'm finally free! Kinda, Scott's at work so I called Stiles to come pick me up. I'm currently hanging out with mom at the nurses station waiting. I'm so ready to be out of this damn hospital, I have too much energy to be here. I'm currently watching movies on my MacBook at the nurses station when mom speaks.

"Is Scott picking you up?" she asks leaning over the nurses station, stealing chips from my bag. 

"No, Stiles is supposed to." I say blandly and Slightly annoyed. 

"Is everything alright with you three?" She asked quietly, motherly concern written all over her face. "When you first woke up they were here constantly, I had to run them out to shower, now when they're here the conversation seems dull and they don't stay very long." she added with her brows furrowed.

"No, Everything is good mom, hospitals are just boring and they have lacrosse and school stuff to do" I laugh dryly, trying to end the conversation there. To be honest after the initial catch up and relief of me waking up, they've came in to check up on me and then they sit quietly and eventually leave. They're isolating me and keeping me out of the loop. For once I feel so alone around them. I've been awake in this damn place for four, FOUR damn days. 

Just then Stiles walks in with his hands in his pockets and gives me a small smile. "Hey" that's all he gave me. Mom walks away with her brows raised. I let out a huff and grab my stuff walking towards him, ready to get out of this place. "Hey" he takes my hand, but it feels distant and cold. I pull my hand away faking like it was just to readjust my bag on my shoulder. 

"Ready to be home?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I just want a shower and my bed." This all just feels so weird. I feel so out of place. I don't know, I just know that I hate this shit. I let out a sigh as we cross the parking lot. 

"Well then lets get you home" he adds as he opens the door to baby blue and waits for me to climb in, while taking my bags from me. Once I'm settled he goes around and puts my stuff in the back seat. He hops in and starts the car. We sit there for a second and then he turns the radio on and we drive home without saying anything to each other. 

Once we pull in my driveway I'm fully annoyed at this point and climb out on my own, grabbing my junk from the back seat and head to the door. I hear Stiles climb out behind me. As I'm digging through my bag for my keys. My annoyance growing the longer it takes me to find them, I finally grab them and go to put them in the lock and drop them. I let out a huff and bend down to retrieve them but Stiles grabs them first and unlocks the door for me. I brush past him and up to my room, with him following close behind me. 

God my head is starting to hurt. I flop down on my bed kicking my sandals off. "El, Is everything okay?" he asks me and I just let out a huff and shrug. 

"Yeah I'm peachy, Styles" he furrows his brows and goes to speak again. "I'm just tired Stiles just go, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." he leans over me and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Ella" and with that he leaves. I let out an annoyed sigh and curl up on my bed and fall asleep. 

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