Chapter 92 | Sensational Circles {Nsfw}

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The circling grew a tad faster as my thoughts raced with only him, and it felt shameful. Am I attracted to him? No, I can't be, can I?

If I wasn't then why did my mind only want to think of him?

Pleasure clouded my thoughts as a cut off scream leapt through the back of my throat.

I heard a door open to the left of me, and I only gave a little notice. I didn't care, I couldn't. I could only think of him, and his devilishly soft tongue, rough but almost unreal to feel.

Then I heard a small rustle to my left again just after I gave a loud sound. I ignored it again.

His tongue was on my neck, seeping warmth into the wounded skin.

I groaned, loudly, lolling my tongue as I bit down on it.

A loud groan was heard, sounding muffled from the left. I wanted to ignore it again but I couldn't, but I also couldn't stop. It felt too right to stop for even a second and I was afraid that if I did I wouldn't regain the same feeling back.

I slowed only a little, just to listen into what those sounds were next door.

A grunt muffled, and I opened my eyes to shift my head back a little. I trailed my eyes to the conjoining door, no. No way.

My stomach dropped in anticipation as I waited impatiently for another sound to hint at what it was. If that's what I think it is then I'm deceased, and I'll never regain myself.

An unmistakeable moan crept from the conjoining door. Holy shit. Had he heard me? He's in the conjoining room, on purpose. He has to be, what other reason would he be in there following along with me? How did he hear me?

A grin had struck my face and my pace with my fingers quickened. I anticipated for the constant groans as they added to my imagination.

I matched sounds, only a little louder as I lifted my head up and back, barely needing imagination anymore. I agonized the feeling knotting in me as he grunted next door. I overwhelmed, feeling consuming me as I cried almost at the top of my lungs.

I imagined him in here with me, doing this act for me, as I watched. Fuck, he'd do better than I'd ever had, even just subtle grinds earlier did so much to me I couldn't even begin to explain it. My stomach clutched a knot as I screamed to let it free.

And after he had helped me finish I would have done the same, no hesitation. Just the thought of seeing him in all his glory, head struck back as I helped him ride it over. What I would do to have him in here with me right now, just rocking back and forth clothed would end me.

That can't happen though, we're teachers, and just the thought of that forbidden pleasure almost sent me over the edge. He was just next door, seconds length, mending his bliss same as me.

I just want his mouth on me again. I let myself be swept by his low grunts as I pinched at the bite mark.

I whined so loud it hurt, my breath so heavy I was an instant body builder.

I moaned at the thought of him in here with me, his mouth on every part of my body not holding back to let his tongue touch anywhere. An endless river of pleasure, and if it had honestly happened I think I'd be finished just from that. 5 seconds tops if he ever let his lips lay on mine and let his tongue glide to whatever part of me he wanted.

My body was treacherous and at the thought of his tongue again I lifted my lower back from the couch, arching.

"Fuck." Aizawa growled from the other room after I let out an almost endless moan.

I'm so close, he's literally ending me. His voice made me shiver as it hit my core and every other body part. He gave a low moan and that sound alone caressed me so intimately I felt an instant bizarre dizziness.

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