Chapter 117 | All Of It NSFW

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Am I ready for this? I gazed down between us to see him going up and down slowly with his own hand. I stared and stared, he himself getting ready.

He met my gaze as he slowly went up and down every other time caressing his tip. Pre-cum just barely dripping down from the sides.

He let his gaze fall to my mouth. "One day." He insinuated, just barely wetting his lips as I wet mine.

"Just not today." He said, closing his eyes momentarily before opening them. "Ready?"

He didn't wait for my answer as he centered himself at my entrance and pushed in. His eyes went partly wide, "Holy fuck, you're so wet." I tried to muffle a scream at that.

He wasn't in all the way and even though it was rather easy it felt like he was stretching me. I was going to rip apart if he went any farther. He was barely 2 inches in. My throat was throbbing and my eyes were just barely burning.

"Aizawa, I-" He cut me off.

"I promise, you'll be okay." He assured me. "Trust me."

Holy shit I'm going ballistic this is crazy.

He smiled before starting again. I watched as his hands were gripped onto my hips for support. He started to inch in and I wrung my head back stifling a moan.

"Look at me." He said.

I brought my head back down and stared at him, he met my eyes. I took my bottom lip into my mouth to make sure I wasn't loud even though there was a party louder than a concert going on.

"No." He said, taking one of his hands and making his thumb pull out my bottom lip. "Don't do that again, I want to hear you."

"Holy shit." I breathed.

He slowly started again, his hand finding my hip before I started to twitch and writhe under him. He inched in farther. It was too much, I've never had this big, not even close, I can't do it. It hurts, but the erotic feeling overpowers it. It's too good to actually stop now.

He inched in one last time before he stopped and looked at me.

"You did it sweetheart, look at you." He grinned. "I told you."

"Going," I breathed out. "to die."

"I haven't even started moving yet." He stated, giving a wicked grin. "I won't be gentle."

I could feel his dick twitch inside me and I silently moaned.

"Please." I said. "Just fuck me, please."

He smiled and gripped onto my hips so hard I thought I would burst.

"Cross your ankles." He said, staring at me.

I did what he said and right as I crossed them he pulled out and slammed right back in.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could feel his dick in my stomach, he wasn't a liar.

"Fuck, so tight." He hissed, pulling out again.

He started to keep up a rhythm and I knew I wasn't going to last long at all. I grounded my hips to meet with him and groaned,

"Yeah, just like that." He said, letting one hand travel past my stomach and to my tit as he squeezed it.

He wrung his head back as his hand went back to gripping hard on my hip. My tits bounced at the movement of his thrusts. The desk creaked under us but he paid no mind as he watched me and my chest.

My eyes flew to the back of my head as I bucked myself against him.

"Oh fuck." He groaned.

I could feel myself getting closer and that's when I became louder. I watched between us as his thrusting quickened and he pounded into me. I saw his dick every now and then as he pulled out far enough then went back in just as hard as before, just as fast.

"Shit, shit, shit." I breathed out.

"Fuck yes." He seethed.

I screamed, when he shifted, getting a better angle as he grabbed my shoulders. He pummeled into me relentlessly, the only sounds being moans and the slap of skin on skin. I couldn't get enough, holy shit.

He seemed close because he started to go faster making me move a little so he could enter me easier.

I was two seconds away and then I was none when I made a noise that was mixed with a scream and a moan. I came undone as I could feel my sex pool out onto his dick and onto the desk.

"Holy motherfucker." I said.

"Did I tell you to do that?" He asked, glaring at me. "I never said you could come."

"You never said I couldn't." I state, riding it out as he kept going.

"Remember it next time." He said.

The promise of next time bearing into me. My hand gave out and I slammed onto the table. The other hand was still laying on my stomach as I could feel him more clearly through my belly.

I can't take this I gonna come again, holy shit.

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