Chapter 75 | Plus 1

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Why the fuck are they by his side? I don't care, I need to get to class I have about 15-20 minutes, and I still need to get dressed. I ran over to his side and dropped to the floor. Quickly slipping my shoes on I put a hand on the bed to help get myself up. I stood up, Aizawa swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"You are coming to Present Mic's party with me, as my plus 1." He stated.

Do I have a choice or is that written in stone?

"What." I said.

"Friday." He said half smiling.

I got to look away before that smile consumes me, he's really annoying.

"No, now let me go." I said partly looking away from him.

He was propped up on his pillow with my hand in his, firmly gripping it. He's got a good grip, damn.

"Today you have to do whatever I say, correct?" He asked.

Damn, fuck, he's right. I don't want to go to a damn party, but if it's renowned mic's party then fine.

"I'll go, damn, now let go. I have a class to teach." I said yanking myself away from him as he let go.

He looks really good right now, no shirt on, and I was sleeping right beside him WHILE he had no shirt on? I need to leave as quick as I can before I get distracted. I turned around shoving my phone in my pocket and bolted for the door.

"Remember, you do what I say today, and also.." He said and grabbed his phone typing on it with one hand.

A ding rung on my phone and I looked down at it. He had unblocked me on messages, damn it. It was better when he was never on my phone.

I groaned and left the room, closing the door behind me. My stomach sunk, realizing how it looks, me walking out of Aizawa's room in the early morning. I sped down the hallway to my room and quickly unlocked it, going in.

Giz instantly greeted me and I bent down to give him a quick kiss before I ran over to my closet. I was about to take my shirt off when there was a knock.

"Coming." I said, trying to hide my aggravation.

I need to get to class, who the fuck is at the door.

I pulled my shirt back down and skipped to the door. Swinging it open I threw my head back, almost hard enough to get whiplash.

"Great, what do you want? I was just with you, what chore could you possibly have for me now?" I said, close to slamming the door, hard in his face.

"Let me in." He asked stepping forward.

"What? No." I said. "What do you want? I have to get to class."

"You've got 18 minutes, you have time." He pushed past me and stopped in front of Giz.

He froze for a second before going around him and heading to my closet.

"Hey!" I yelled and slammed the door running to follow behind him.

He stood in front of the closet and looked around, scanning the shelves.

I stepped in front of him. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm picking what you wear today." He said not meeting my eyes and continuing to scan around.

"What." This is just getting more annoying every second.

I feel like every minute is something different and I'm getting way too confused. First I'm fighting him, then I'm fighting him again, THEN I wake up beside him, and now, he's picking out what I wear? What the hell is going on? Roll with it, it's not like you have a choice, you lost. Damn it, that's entirely correct, I lost the fight.

His eyes lit up a bit as they landed on something, he pushed me aside and reached out to it. I turned around to see him pick out a sheer white thin shirt. That's pretty basic, very see through though..

"This, and.." He said handing me the shirt then going back to looking around.

He's picking such basic stuff, why would he want to pick out my clothes if it's just going to be boring? I mean I'm not complaining, easier for me anyway.

He grabbed simple jeans, pretty studs on the sides and pockets. Alright, this is pretty. I'll just get a tank top, so my bra won't be visible and neither will my stomach. The jeans are very, very low rise. He knows how to pick clothes, wow.

"This." He said handing it to me.

"Seriously? You came to my apartment to pick out a white shirt and jeans?" I asked.

He ignored and kept looking. This time he physically opened drawers. My eyes went wide when he quickly reached for my undergarment drawer and open it. I smacked his hand away instantly and stood in front of it.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I found what I'm looking for, now move. I said I was picking out your clothes." He shoved me aside and scanned the drawer.

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