The sound I made. I was in pain it couldn't have sounded like- that. Right? Even if it did, why was he so stricken by it? No sense, that's what this is making, honestly.
Wait, does that mean my demonic sound wasn't all that demonic? If it sounded the way the context clues are leading me to believe, does that mean it was almost erotic? Shit, shit. The students didn't hear it, only he did. Good. Well, not good.
What was with the pushing away and leaving so quickly? I'm not going to act all special but was he holding back from something? Angry, maybe? Angry at me? For accidentally hurting myself and making a noise? He couldn't possibly be mad at me for a simple mistake. Could he? Holy shit, this is infuriating.
I feel like I'm in grade school, when boys use to moan in class, believing it was the most humorous thing out there. He was mad though, like he was angry at me, then when he left; angry at him. Could a sound be that powerful? I'm embarrassed, it's like I'm a kid again, it's just a sound.
I fan my hands profusely in front of my face in an effort to mentally and physically cool myself down. The pinch on my hand a little red, adorned with a fading by the minute welt. Rather small but it hurt like a mother-fucker.
I pat my hair and look around, deserted. Where the fuck did he even go? I step forward a little and lean to the side, trying to get a better look of the hallway. I've never been down that hallway. Then again I haven't been here that long either. It's a little eerie. Not as scary as when I got lost down that other hallway and the shit was beat out of me, but, eerie. A light was flickering a bit and most of the windows were shut. The hallway had doors down the walls, with numbers, obviously it wasn't vacant, just a scary hallway. Not abandoned.
Not going down there, he can shit on his dick if he thinks I'm following him. Context clues tells me he doesn't want me to follow him because of the hallway that, perhaps purposely, he went down. I have a feeling he REALLY doesn't want me to follow him, considering the hallway is borderline spooky. I don't have a knack for scary things, so, see ya.
I opened the door to the classroom and saw a girl standing in front of Aizawa's side of the desk. She was holding a paper folded in half, with her hands crossed. I put on a smile and strode over to her.
"May I help you?" I asked, kindest way I could.
I puzzled, that made no sense, that was kind of rude.
"May I ask why you are standing here if you don't need help?"
"I need help."
I opened my mouth with a smile, she cut me off.
"But not from you."
My eye twitched and I swear I was going to slap a bitch.
"Aizawa isn't here right now, you sure I can't be of assistance?" I gave a crooked smile.
"When will he be back?" Bitch said.
"I don't know, I don't think he will be back for this class period." I said, refraining from gritting my teeth.
"If that's all then you may sit." I said.
"I'll just stand here and wait."
"He won't be b-" I started.
"I'll wait."
"SIT." I point towards the classroom seats, dead cold on my face.
She faintly recoils and glares at me as she walks back to her seat. Fucking bitch, I was being nice. Lucky I didn't stick my lucky pen up your ass, wouldn't be so nice then.
I sat back down in my seat, checking the time. 1 hour till this period ends. How did 40 minutes pass so slowly? Aizawa needs to get back, no matter if it's a study hall day. There's obviously girls that need him.
That gets me angry for some reason, underaged girls, thinking they have a chance with a full grown teacher. Gives me enough bile to throw up honestly. I have no doubt that girl's folded paper was a hand written note to him, confessing her love. Doesn't she have fan fictions to be reading?
I groan in defeat and stand up, "Mina, charge." I say in almost gibberish, she understands nonetheless.
I smile at her and walk out of the class room. Petrifaction washing over me, as I stare down the dreadful hallway. I really would not rather go down there, but I need to get him back to class. He could be going to the bathroom or something, I don't care, whatever he's doing he didn't tell me. I just need to know he's going to come back to class.
I swallow my fear and start to step forward.

𝓑𝓲𝓷𝓭 S. Aizawa
FanfictionYou, a pro hero with a perfect quirk. All you want is to be a teacher, you love kids, but what happens when you get accepted to be a teacher at UA high? "𝓢𝓸 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵٫ 𝔂𝓮𝓽 𝓼𝓸 𝓷𝓪𝓼𝓽𝔂."