Chapter 25 | Moody

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       The students filed out of the room chattering to each other. I sighed and stood up, I wanted to bang my head on the wall but maybe next class will be okay. I can't keep hoping or saying that Aizawa will forget because there's no way anybody could forget that. I just hope he keeps everything professional.

𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓱٫ 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽.

I walked out of the classroom to see, to my suffering, Aizawa. He passed the room not looking at me and strode on calmly. I groaned as I realized that meant I would have to follow him all the way to the classroom. In the other hand that was perfect, because I didn't know where this other class was.

"Whatever." I said to myself, and tried my best to keep up without my flats making loud clapping noises. I had a feeling Aizawa noticed and my suspicions were confirmed when he turned his head a bit,

"You following me?" He asked with amusement, he obviously loved to get me annoyed.

I grated my teeth and didn't answer. I was extremely close to going up to him and using that stupid scarf to choke him. I refrained, but it was a nice thought. He grinned and turned his head back forward, keeping up his steady strides. I tried my best to keep pace enough behind him. I felt like we were walking forever until we finally reached a classroom. I sighed with relief as I saw my students from last class pile in.

Aizawa waited for all the students to get in and he followed after, I did the same. There were two desks in the front of the room, this classroom was bigger than the one before. It was a lot nicer, and cleaner. The students laughed and some of the girls whispered and giggled to each other as they eyed Aizawa. It made me smile in a way, I was a kid with crushes too, it was nice. I snapped back and went over to my desk. Aizawa and I stood in front of the tables.

Aizawa took his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms. "Shut up, can't you see the teachers are waiting?" He flat out said to the students.

I whipped my head over to him to see his face was plain, no emotion just looking around at the class. The class quieted down and stared at Aizawa.

"You've already met her, but this is the new teacher." He tilted his head to me and the students turned their eyes to me. "She's going to be your second hour teacher and will teach this class with me."

The students nodded, "Be nice, she's new here."

My eye twitched on that last part, I can handle myself with students. None of them were rude to me in second hour, so I don't see why they would now. I waved to the class and smiled,

"I believe you all saw me in second hour, I hope I did well for my first day here." I clasped my hands together and watched the class as they grinned back at me, Mina and Ida nodded.

The boy with the blonde hair wore a scowl on his face as he stared at Aizawa. He seemed like he was going to be a problem, I hope Aizawa doesn't see him glaring.

"Let's get started, you took a test last hour, this hour you'll be taking another." He said as he walked around to the chair behind his desk and sat. The class loudly groaned and some looked up to the ceiling in anger.

"Yay." Aizawa said with an exaggeration on the y.

"Great." The boy with blonde hair groaned out.

"What was that, Katsuki?" Aizawa glared at the boy.

"Nothing." He took his gaze to his table. "It's Bakugo, not Katsuki." His face was quickly turned into mild anger.

"Bakugo, come here, you get to pass out the tests." Aizawa held two hands out to a pile of papers.

Bakugo stood up and stomped over, snatching up the papers and slamming them on his peer's tables.

"Hey." Aizawa leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Outside."

He got up and left the room. "Mina, Ida, you know the drill, teacher stuff." I said standing up and smiling to the two. They nodded and I walked out of the classroom closing the door behind me.

I turned around after closing the door, Aizawa was to my left leaning on the wall. I stepped in front of him and waited for him to say something.

"Well?" I asked and crossed my arms in waiting.

Aizawa swiftly put both hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. My arms were still crossed and I uncrossed them pushing away from him.

"Stop, what are you even doing?" I asked and backed up, still close to him. "You made rules not to touch you, but how is that even fair when your touching me?" I waited for his response.

"You drive me fucking mad, brat." He said and pushed past me opening the classroom door then closing it shut.

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