Chapter 63 | Weights and Field

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I coughed to get the students to shut up. They stopped abruptly and turned. I smiled,

"Good afternoon, as you all know we will be going out into the field today." I went on. "You-"

Aizawa put his hand up in front of me to shut me up then stood.

Holy shit, how many years do you get for murder?

"Two by two, you and your so called partner will face off, earlier you studied each other. This will help you overcome your opponent, testing their weaknesses and knowing their quirks." Aizawa said with his hands in his pockets.

I think I might kill him, go choke, musty asshole. Interrupting me? I could have said the same thing he said but better, did he do that on purpose? Is he trying to annoy me? Alright, smartass.

"Pairs will go one at a time in the middle of the field while the rest of the students watch." I added in.

Aizawa stayed silent for a second. "Yes."

"Hopefully the studying you did this morning won't be for nothing." Aizawa said and sat back down.

The whole classes whispered in excitement. One raised their hand.

I pointed, "Yes?"

"When are we heading out?" The boy asked.

I glanced over to Aizawa and he looked at his watch.

"If you guys think you're ready, then now." Aizawa looked back up at the class.

What if I slapped him in front of the class, would I get fired? Probably.

Aizawa stood up, "Lead them to the field, I believe you know where it is?" He said turning to me and whispering low.

Shut up.

"Yeah." I turned back to the class. "Follow me, stay in your organized pairs."

The class stood up and followed me out. I could hear pushing and shoving, but Ida's voice rang over it, ordering students. I smiled a bit.

We reached the doors to the field and I turned around. "Be respectful to your partner, and your peers. No unnecessary fighting, and don't wander off to the equipment without permission." I watched as the students nodded.

It's easy to know they aren't kids but I need them all in one place so I can watch them, I don't need to be overwhelmed. Even though Aizawa is going to overwhelm me because he's annoying, I need to completely try and focus on my students.

I opened the doors and made my way to the bleachers. "Boys, girls, different locker rooms. Go change." I watched as they went in two groups to the changing rooms.

I don't understand why Aizawa couldn't change his shirt in the locker room but I guess it was only a shirt. The other day I mean. It's not like he's stripping naked, but he might as well have been. That's disrespectful, I can't even believe I just stared at him while he changed his shirt right over there. He's not just a piece of meat, and there is no "looking respectfully" that was just downright vile. I shouldn't have done that, I'm glad he didn't notice it. It's sad because if I was given the chance I know I would have looked again, but it's not fair he can just stare me up and down. He can do whatever he wants and have no shame, at least I have some decency to even reflect on my actions.

I popped back to reality and looked around. Aizawa walked through the doors with his scarf flying a little behind him and a white tank top. I'm not a fan of white tank tops but, oh shit. If he sweats in that I'm dead. Of course he's going to sweat in that you dimwit, shut up. I instantly looked away turning my gaze to the students that slowly started to pile out of the changing rooms. If I get distracted by Aizawa at all I might as well just leave the fucking room.

The students came and sat down, I waited until they were all here to start talking. I opened my mouth to talk but Aizawa interrupted me again.

"All right, we aren't going to do any warm ups. That'll just wear you down, you don't need your blood pumping, you need to focus." I glared at Aizawa making it entirely obvious, but he paid no mind and went on. "We will get right into it after I talk with Elektra."

He turned around and walked over to the weights, I followed, partly walking in front of him. This isn't looking good for me but he's been interrupting me purposely all day. He needs to grow up and learn how to let people talk.

He swiftly turned me around to make me face him, his back was to the teenagers as it blocked their view of me. I glared up at him, I've had enough of this.

"What." I asked, "Am I annoying you?"

He glared right back, "Yes, you are." Letting go of my arm he didn't lose eye contact.

"Really? You're the one that has been interrupting me constantly. For what?" I yelled in his face.

"Can you shut up? The fucking birds outside can hear you." He said getting close to my face.

"No. I haven't done anything today but you brought me over here to scold me? About what?" I wanted to break his neck, honestly.

"Nothing, I just brought you aside to talk about your attire." A smile creeped onto his face.

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