Chapter 25

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It's been a week since mateo and I had our conversation, and since I started helping out around the store.

I was sitting in science waiting for mateo to arrive.

He soon came in with a big smile placed on his face, and took his seat right next to mine. "So are you coming to help out at the shop again? And like I've been saying if you wanna stop you totally can sweet heart, I completely understand." He said as soon as he sat down, I shook my head because he's only said this to me about 20 times.

"Mateo my answer is the same as always, I like helping out. Plus your mom has some pretty cute baby stories, so it's a win win." He chuckled.

"You two like embarrassing me huh?" He asked, I playfully nodded my head.

"Duh, that's the only reason I help out around there." I teased.

"But really, i love that place so it's okay."

"Thank you, Sage.." I smiled up at him. In all reality I should be thanking him. He doesn't know it but he's helped me through so much, I don't know where I'd be without the kid. I gulped as I realized I was falling for him, and hard. I hope this never ends.

"You hope what never ends?" He asked confused, my eyes widened in fear.

"U...Um." I sighed lost for words.

"What's on your mind, love?" I nervously bit my lip.

"Our friendship..?" I trailed off, he slowly nodded his head.

"Yea... me either." He then looked down at his desks.

I screwed it up didn't I? Back to square one with Mateo, why do I always have to open my big mouth?

Obviously I didn't wanna be friends with mateo, I ruin everything.

"Okay class..." but for now I was saved by mr moore.

Two days later

Ever since that day in mr moores class Mateo has been acting weird, I guess because of what i said.

We finished helping around the shop and we were on the way to the ice cream shop down the street. It was quiet, like it's been since that day. We talked but not a lot, I just wish I knew what he was thinking. I looked up at his tall figure as he walked besides me. Hands in his pockets as he looked concentrated on the street ahead, or maybe it was the fact he didn't wanna talk. I sighed and we finally made it to the ice cream shop.

We got our ice cream and sat at a booth.

"Mateo.." he looked up at me.

"You're mad right?" He sighed.

"Sage I'm not mad. upset? Yea maybe a little. disappointed? Yea." I shook my head.

"Mateo it's not that I don't like or don't wanna be with you, I already told you this though." He nodded.

"You don't wanna bring me into this mess. Yeah I've heard it many times. but if I'm being honest what mess Sage? Because so far I haven't really seen anything." He spoke.

"Mateo..." I was at a loss for words, what was I supposed to say?

"I get it, just friends.." he quietly muttered, I grabbed his hand from over the table.

"For now." I said, he scoffed.

"But still no answer as to why. Look I don't mind waiting for you because I told you I would. it's no problem because I'm not interested in anyone else, but you. I just wish you'd tell me why." He said, I nodded.

"I just need time."

"I'm starting to think you're just saying that because you don't want to be with me at all. Is that why Sage?" He asked, I shook my head.

"Mateo you can't be for real, you know that's not true!" I got up and stormed out the shop. Can't believe he would even think that.

I heard the door bell ring so I knew he was close behind me. "You're really gonna do that in the middle of a conversation?!" He asked, I crossed my arms.

"I don't want you to have to put your life on hold for mines!" I shouted.

"What does that mean?!" He shouted back. we probably looked crazy to people passing by on the street, but we were both too heated to care.

"Look I told you I'd wait but maybe if you tell me what's going on, I can help you." I shook my head as I kept walking.

"You can't."

"How do you know? You haven't let me in, not given me one single chance to prove I can." He said, I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Mateo I'm not a broken toy that can just be fixed, there's more to the picture."

"I'm not saying you are Sage, I'm just trying to make things clear okay? To just help, as a friend or whatever we are." He grunted.

"For the last time you cannot help me with this mateo!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I'm pregnant!" I shouted.

I soon realized what I said because Mateos face suddenly calmed down. Tears formed in my eyes. He gulped. "How far along?" He quietly uttered, tears flowed out my eyes.

"Almost two months.."

"So before we met.." I nodded, he looked relieved.

"Mateo I would never do that to you." He nodded.

He then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, I could tell he was trying to be very gentle this time. "Sage.. I know you're not a toy that can be fixed and I don't pity you so don't think that, but I could really help you. I'm guessing the dad wasn't too happy since you're not with him right now?"

"Well...I haven't really told him yet, but what we had was casual and short lived. I'm not sure how he'd react, I'm scared to tell him." I answered honestly.

"Well whatever happens, I'll always be here for you two." I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry I pressured you to tell me, but I'm happy you did."

"I'm not going anywhere, beautiful." He said and placed a kiss on my forehead. We then stood there on the side walk with my arms wrapped around his waist swaying back and forth, as he wiped away my tears.

To Be Continued...

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