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"WHAT?!" Yelled Winwin almost crashing into the car in front of him

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"WHAT?!" Yelled Winwin almost crashing into the car in front of him. The car screeched to an absolute halt. He started to get a few glares from the drivers opposite his car and decided to pull over since he wasn't in the mood for a fight. Winwin turned to look at Ten.

"You are freaking serious?"
Ten nodded, not cracking a smile. Winwin signed and laid his head on the car wheel. "We are doomed..How are we going to tell Doyoung?" He whined his voice muffled.

"Hey, how about we go help Kun, right now? You know how he can be...he might still be fighting now and is probably causing a huge racket..." Jaemin suggested with a worried look on his face. Yangyang cursed under his breath. "Oh man! I was hoping to get home for some Netflix and popcorn...Now I have to run around a children's fair." Crossing his arms in an angry manner. Ten patted him on the back to comfort him., but Yangyang shrugged his hand off.

"Brat..." Ten muttered. " Come on we will do that after the mission. By the way, aren't any of you guys curious about why Kun is running around in a children's fair at this time of the day? Why the hell is Taeil there too? I don't think it might be a coincidence... what if he sided with Taeil?! And is helping him?!" Jaemin whispered. Winwin glared at him. "He wouldn't do that and you know it. So stop making nonsense and giving anyone any ideas." He said looking at Yangyang worriedly while saying the last sentence.

Yangyang's eyes were on his shoes not bringing it up to look into Winwin's. "Nah, there is nothing to worry about, their childhood years probably flashed in front of their eyes." Ten said roaring with laughter. Jaemin joined him they both were stomping their feet while laughing out loud. Yangyang on the other hand didn't crack a smile. He kept on fiddling with his fingers. Winwin noticed it and sighed, remembering what happened the night before.


Winwin and Yangyang were seated in the living room while the others were playing Mafia upstairs. Yangyang's nose was busy in his phone while Winwin was folding a pile of washed clothes into neat folds.

Finished with the last one, he left to go to the kitchen to check on the chicken which was grilling in the oven.

But before he went Yangyang grabbed his wrist with a rather disturbed expression on his face. Surprised, Winwin turned around to see what was wrong.

"Is everything ok? You have been quiet for a while which is unusual for you." Winwin said raising a brow. He sat down next to Yangyang to listen to what he had to say. He let go of his wrist and took a deep breath.

"Well, something has been disturbing me for a few days now..."

Winwin waited for him to go on.

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