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A guy wearing a black mask, a white button up (which was open till just above his chest) and a leather coat was walking hurriedly down the street near the café that belonged to The Protectors

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A guy wearing a black mask, a white button up (which was open till just above his chest) and a leather coat was walking hurriedly down the street near the café that belonged to The Protectors. His eyes looked cold and held no emotions. He was near the entrance door when Taeil was just about to leave the café making both of them to bump into each other. The guy coldly said: "Sorry." and walked away just like that. Little did he know he just bumped into the man that he was looking for.

The guy quickly walked away after seeing Taeil looking back at the guy suspiciously one last time before he disappeared down the street.

"Humans" he muttered in disgust.

The guy checked his surroundings to make sure no one wasn't following him. He walked to a dim and empty alley and reached the end of it, coming across an abandoned warehouse on his right with a big V sign.

The door seemed rusty and old as if it had been made a thousand years ago. It looked like it was made of sand and would burst into nothing any moment.

"I keep on telling them to get find another warehouse, but nooo they have to stay here." He growled angrily but made sure he didn't talk too loud in case someone was here.
Despite looking like a sand castle, you couldn't enter it that easily. The door handle was rectangle shaped and it was glowing red. The guy took out a red rectangular card with a V written on it in white from the inside of his jacket.

He brought up the card slightly and brushed it near the rectangular door handle. The light turned from red to green in seconds and the door swung open. The guy slowly entered and took out a gun from his back pocket quietly. In front of him was a staircase that led upstairs. It wasn't really high up, just a few stairs. He ran up and opened the door that was at the end of the stairs.

Behind the door was a dimly lit room with a big oval table in the middle. He walked towards it, his gun ready in his hands. In front of the table was a middle aged man tied to a chair with rope. His head was beaded with sweat and he didnt move a muscle. He was staring down at his foot looking exhausted and weak but immediately looked up when the guy entered.

His eyes kept opening and closing slowly and his breathing was slow. The second he saw the guy with the black mask and gun standing in front of the table, he trembled in fear. You could see the horror that filled his eyes.

Behind the man who was tied to the chair were three other guys as well, all three them pointing a gun at the head of the man from behind.

"Oh! Doyoung hyung, you're here." Said one of the guys who were standing behind the man tied to the chair. He had a delicate figure but sharp piercing eyes. He looked like the type of guy how has two souls in one. Delicate yet dangerous.

"So Yangyang, he still didn't answer anything you asked?" Said the guy with the black mask who's name turned out to be Do young. He took off his mask, a smirk played on his lips.
Yangyang shook his head in disappointment.
"He wouldn't budge, so I guess we just have to tell Yangyang to do Telepathy on him." Said another guy who was pointing the gun at the man tied to the chair. He had royal-like features of a prince from a magical Kingdom who came straight out of a webtoon.

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