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♡A little bit about Yuri:

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♡A little bit about Yuri:

| Name: Yuri Moon
| Age: 15
| Power: unknown {But she is immortal.}
|She was bestfriends with Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun since kindergarden.
|She hates people who lie, and is always loyal to her friends. She's savage when angry, so I guess you wouldn't want to make her angry ;)
|She has dark brown hair, with sparkly silver brown eyes.

Darkness was everywhere...no light shone on Earth. None of the street lights were on. No one was by Yuri's side... not even her brother... the street was empty. She saw herself standing in such a place.

There wasn't a single sound either. Yuri's heart sank.. so this is what eternal darkness means? Suddenly, a figure of a body appears wearing a black cloak. Only his mouth was showing. On his right hand wrist was a tattoo.
A half sun and half moon connected with each other.

He smirked and whispered: "You can run but you can't hide... your brother is not here to help you." He started to come closer.

"Who are you?! And what did you do with Taeil?!" She yelled furiously with anger and pain.

"Me? I didn't do anything. He abandoned you." The guy in the cloak said smiling devily.

It suddenly felt like time stopped... Yuri couldn't think nor feel anything.

"It's funny how I was right under your nose and you didn't notice a thing! It's not like you can do anything now, this was fated to happen."

He grinned and turned around.

"Guys, you can come out now." He said and suddenly out of nowhere 9 other people under the same black cloaks came out from the darkness.

'Yuri! Wake up its just a dream. It can't be real! How can this happen? I don't even know who the hell this guy is or what he even means!!'- she thought.

"Yuri! Wake up!" Said a voice. She looked around to find the voice but no one was there except the guys in the cloaks...

"Wake up!" The voice came again... But it sounded like Taeil's voice...

"WAKE UP!" Yelled Taeil. Yuri jumped out of bed panting with a shocked look on her face.

"Wah!! What the hell Taeil! Why did you do that? Actually... you know, thanks for doing that... or else I would have gone mad!"

Yuri looked down. "Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to ask. You were screaming.. are you ok?" Taeil asked looking worried.

Yuri shook her head and sat at the edge of her bed and put her head in her hands.

Taeil rolled his eyes playfully and said: " Well, if you change your mind, you know you have me." Said Taeil smiling.

Taeil ruffled Yuri's hair and bended down to be at Yuri's eye level.

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