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"Yes, yes we do

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"Yes, yes we do." Said Taeil solemnly.

Lucas on the other hand was gonna bring Johnny, Mark, Jaehyun and Yuri's drink when saw Taeil and Taeyong looking at each other.
"Yuri, here are your drinks, - who is that?" asked Lucas eyeing Taeil.
"He's my brother, Moon Taeil." Said Yuri.
Lucas gasped. "We were looking for you for ages! How come you just appeared here right now?" Asked Lucas curiously.

Taeil took out his phone and there was a map on it with a picture of Yuri.
"I tracked down where Yuri was, and it brought me here." Said Taeil. Yuri gasped. "Wait how? When? what?" She was so confused.

Taeil chuckled and examined the café, and just like Yuri, Taeil too, noticed the suspicious-looking wardrobe near the bathroom. His eyes narrowed and he looked directly at the wardrobe. Lucas and Taeyong followed Taeil's eyes to see where he was looking at. Lucas noticed he was staring at the wardrobe.

"Oh, by the way, my shift is over. One of the other staff members we hired will serve the drinks. So..do you want to show Yuri and Taeil the hideout? I'm pretty sure Taeil has been there before, but we added two more portals to the hideout." Said Lucas grinning.
Yuri thought a bit, but couldn't understand what he meant by 'portals'.

"Two..portals?" Asked a confused looking Yuri. Gosh she felt like an idiot between them...
Lucas turned to look at her raised his eyebrow.
"Portals yes. Why are you looking at me like that? No way..did Taeil..?" Lucas gasped, putting a hand over his mouth. That's it. Yuri was gonna lose it. Taeil, Taeil, Taeil, what other secrets and important things was he keeping from him? She decided not to start a fight here. She'll just confront him later and he should better be ready for it.

"Oh yeah, you didn't know that Lucas?" asked Yuta, chuckling at how Lucas reacted to the situation. "So you're trying to tell me that Yuri knows nothing!?"asked a horrorstruck Lucas.
Jeno nodded in agreement. Yuri was getting angrier by the second because of their conversation, she tried her best to control her emotions but her anger got the best of her. And.....It was time to let it out... She banged her fists on the table and got up from her seat, spilling some smoothie by accident in the process.

"I'm fed up of all of you saying: ' Oh my god, Taeil didn't tell you?! Oh my god don't you know who yoir mother is? What? You don't know anything?! ' You owe me an explanation Mr. Taeil!!" Yelled Yuri angrily. She couldn't take it anymore, all these years..He kept so much a secret how did he manage to hold the burden? A wave of different expressions passed across their face: Lucas went silent ; Taeil was surprised at the sudden yell but still felt guilty; Taeyong just looked down. The others just avoided Yuri's glare, specially Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun. As for the rest of the café? Well, some were annoyed while others were confused. They just raised an eyebrow at Yuri, looked away and went back to chit - chatting and sipping their drinks.

When Taeil knew she had calmed down, he finally spoke up.

"I'm surprised you yelled at me..you never did....Besides... I would have done the same if I were in your place. So, how about I explain everything along the way in the hideout?" Asked Taeil apologeticly. Yuri sank back in her seat and crossed her arms not sparing a glance at Taeil and the others. Yuta chuckled and sighed. "You're stubborn, you know that girl?" He walked to Yuri's chair and crouched down to be eye level with her. However, she won't meet his eyes. "Hey, I get how you feel, I had been in the same situation before too...It was hard, but I knew better than ignoring people and yelling at them. Anger won't solve anything. Taeil just wanted to do what was best for you. I get it he shouldnt have gone to far but whats done is done. Think for the future." Yuta whispered so she can only hear. Yuri went quiet for a minute and uncrossed her arms but won't met Yuta's gaze. So instead, he lifted her chin gently so she will meet his eyes. "Ok?" He had the most beautiful sparkling eyes ever, like galaxies. Yuri didn't argue by the touch but someone else did.

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