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The five boys jumped at the classroom window, causing the window to shatter into many pieces

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The five boys jumped at the classroom window, causing the window to shatter into many pieces.

One, which was heading straight at Yuri's direction.

The last thing Yuri saw before she shut her eyes, was a tattoo that each boy had the same. A small, black V sign tattoo each on a diffrent location of their body.

One on his wrist , another on his ankle, another under his right ear, and for the other one on beside his elbow, and the other boy on his right temple.

Yuri stared for a moment. Although these signs were not familiar to her, she still found it rather odd. It looked like they were in a gang or something.

Unfortunately, when she came back to her senses the sharp piece of glass was only two inches away from her forehead.

She waited for the pain to come, but she felt nothing. She slowing opened her eyes and saw a math book in front of her face.

But in the middle of the math book, was a large piece of glass was stuck.

The same glass that was going to hit Yuri in the forehead.

She turned to the left to see who was holding the math book. It was Yuta, looking worriedly over at Yuri.

He dropped the book and took Yuri's hands. "Are you okay? You must have been shocked.." Yuta said anxiously.

"N-no, it's o-ok. I'm f-fine." Yuri stuttered gripping Yuta's hands roughly. She looked as pale as a whiteboard.

"Let's go home, I'm sure the teacher won't mind." He said.

The school security and principle Mr. Jung, were running towards the classroom where the 5 boys broke out of the window.

But before Yuta and Yuri could leave, Mr. Jung caught Yuri by the arm to stop her.

They both stopped and did a small bow at the him.

"Ms. Yuri, did you perhaps see the face of those boys? Or anything that could be a good clue to find them?" asked the Mr. Jung urgently.

Yuri was rather hesitant to answer. "Um, well I --"

"She didn't see any of the faces because they immediately jumped out of the window. They were pretty good covered so we couldn't find any clue to help us find them." Yuta said cutting off Yuri's sentence.

Mr. Jung let go of Yuri's arm and sighed. "Very well." He said in a disappointment tone and strode off to the classroom.

Yuta and Yuri did a small bow to Mr. Jung before he left.

Yuri was so scared back there in the classroom, she thought it would be her end.

However, she was still rather suspicious about the tattoos the boys had.

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