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● Author's P

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Author's P.O.V

Now, let me introduce you to: Label V. Remember how Kun mentioned that he needed to go to the 'company' for work in the last chapter?

Well, I'm going to explain everything about it now.

Label V - is a big secret agent company produced by Kim Doyoung.

It is located under a small island in the Han river. You might be confused as to why it's 'under' the Island .

Well, here's the story: Label V was made by Irene's spies the minute they were giving their mission on Earth.

They decided to make the company underground where no one would find it. It had 10 floors, there was a reason for each floor.

However, many people visited this small island. And if the people kept coming they would eventually find Label V.

That's when the spies knew they had to take action. Soon, anyone who stepped on that island never came back out.

Because of what happened, the island was renamed: "The abandoned island."Since then, no one dared to go to that island again.

Label V will be safe now. Unless, Taeil and the protectors find out about it and plan to bring it down along with the spies...

Yet, you may ask: why do they need such a big company just for 10 people?

Well, it's not only them. You see, in order to succeed their mission, doyoung decided to add employees and staff members who were willing to do the job.

But, he had a condition. That anyone who would work here won't tell anyone outside the island.

If they broke the promise, it would be the end for them.

Of course, none of the people working there knew the mission or that Doyoung and the others weren't human.

The employees and staff were humans. Even though Doyoung hated humans, they were useful.

Each one of these humans were perfect at their job.

The spies only used their powers for anything they wanted or needed on Earth.
Do young mostly used humans to do their biding.

If they got on the bad side of the police they would use the innocent humans, saying it was their fault but obviously, after that they would kill them before they had time to say anything to the police, leaving the police always confused and frustrated.

That's why they used humans...

Although with all this, they barely have gotten close to accomplishing their mission - to destroy the protectors made by Sooyoung. So Irene will be free from her prison.

Little do they know there is an obstacle in their path....

~The Next Morning
The Spies' house

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