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The whole café was packed with satisfied customers

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The whole café was packed with satisfied customers. Yuri and the others were busy talking and laughing along.
A few minutes passed, Taeyong and Yuta walked back to the table where the others were sitting. Both of them were holding a tray with 6 yummy-looking drinks. They each looked creamy and sweet with fruits at the end of the cup. The drinks also came with a straw and a cute umbrella on top.

Taeyong gently placed the tray in the middle of the table, Yuta did the same.
"Here's your usual drinks guys." Said Taeyong smiling.
They each took their usual favorite drinks and started sipping on the straw.
The looks on their faces showed that they were pretty satisfied with their drinks.
"Hmm, Lucas is getting better and better at making these!" Jungwoo exclaimed. Jisung nodded in agreement.

"Yeah he is. I just have to order what you guys would like to drink." Taeyong added looking over at Yuri, Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun.
Yuta suddenly entered the conversation and suggested:
"No, it's ok. I'll get them what they want. You sit down." Yuta smiled.
Taeyong shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok, if you say so." He said taking a chair from an empty table, brought it to their table, sat and started drinking his smoothie.
"Ok then, I would like to keep it simple-an Ice Americano." Johnny said.
"I would like to have a cappuccino." Jaehyun added.
"Banana smoothie." Said Mark. Yuta repeated that in his mind.
"Ok, and what would you like Yuri?" Yuta asked.

"I think I'll have a chocolate smoothie with loads of whipped cream." Yuri said smiled licking her lips.
"Alright then, I'll be back in a moment." Yuta said that, and walked back to Lucas.
They were all talking together when Johnny notice Taeil walk in the café.
Johnny frowned.

How did Taeil find out we were here? Does he usually come to this café? No...if he did, Yuta and Taeyong wouldn't have been looking all over the school to find out
Yuri and ask her about her brother. Anyway, I doubt he will be able to find us in this crowd.

Johnny noticed Taeil looking around his surroundings trying to find something, more like someone.
Johnny reckoned he was looking for Yuri so he raised a hand and signaled him to come over to where he was. Taeil frowned and headed towards Johnny's direction.

When Taeil walked over to where the others were all sitting, Yuri raised her head to check who it was. She saw a angry-looking Taeil who's arms was crossed over his chest. Taeil was standing right behind Haechan, Jisung, Jeno, and Jungwoo he looked down at the four and raised an eyebrow.
Haechan notice Yuri looking over his head with a nervous and worried look on her face, Haechan became suspicious. He came to turn his head when suddenly, Yuta came trotting over to their table with 3 drinks.

He placed the tray on the table and took out the drinks and gave them each to Yuri, Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun. He noticed them mesmerised in there own world.
He shrugged and picked up all the trays that was left on the table.
He was about to walk away when his eyes caught sight of Taeil. He stopped dead in his tracks and dropped to tray.

Taeil and everyone on the table snapped their heads in Yuta's direction. Haechan, Jisung, Jeno, and Jungwoo looked over at were Yuta was looking.
"Hyung, what's wrong? Do you know him?" Asked Jeno confused.
Taeyong who was sitting also noticed Taeil standing and his mouth hung open. Taeil noticed him too, and they made eye contact. Taeil's heart stopped, his head filled with questions.

I-is that.. Taeyong?.. I.. I thought you were gone.. I searched Earth from top to bottom but found nothing, but here you are...right in front of me. How long was Yuri friends with you for? Why didn't Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun tell me anything? Oh right, they never saw or met Taeyong before...but still..

Taeyong's eyes filled with tears as he thought about Taeil.
Taeil..I looked everywhere..just like Park Sooyoung ordered me to, I searched far and wide, but didn't find you..

Taeil was in a huge cave. It was dark and moist. The only light that shone was the light coming from Park Soyoung. She was on the floor of the cave, with no strength and weak. She could barely move. But she was breath-taking, elegant and graceful. Even before she was going to die...

She radiated only positivity. She wore a long, glamorous gown. She was like an angel, but in a few moments she would be gone...

"Taeil.. Taeyong.. Please take care of Yuri. She's our only hope for the future. Her protectors are down the mountain.
I know it is a difficult task, and you don't know anything about her powers yet, but I can't...make it. All the life is drained out of me, but it was for the best.

It was a tough decision, but I did it. I thought everything will be ok, but I was wrong.. if the spies find out about Yuri, her life will be in danger and only you guys can save her from what's going to happen in the future."

She took Taeil and Taeyong's hands and clutched them tightly. Taeyong was crying his eyes out. She smiled at them weakily, her smile made flowers bloom in an instant in the dark cave.

Taeil sobbed and cried: "Mother.. I can't leave you". Clutching Soyoung's hand tightly and shook his head in disbelief. Soyoung looked at Taeyong.
"Where are the rest of Earth's protectors?"Soyoung asked.

"There was too much dark energy..they..they.. They almost blacked out. So I came instead, in the place of all of them." Said Taeyong quietly.
A loud bang came from outside the cave.
"You guys have to go now..or it will be too late.. the dark energy outside is getting stronger, it will effect your powers, and you will not be able to use them. Go" Soyoung said tears falling down her glowing skin.

"But.. I can't! "Yelled Taeil.
"GO!" Soyoung yelled back.
Taeil and Taeyong holded hands and were about to run out when Soyoung said quietly : "I love you.."
Taeil and Taeyong were busy crying to think about what that means and they ran out of the cave immediately.

It was raining cats and dogs outside. You couldn't see a single thing. Taeil and Taeyong were soaking wet in an instant. They were on an edge of a cliff, because the cave was on a high mountain. There were special stairs that was made to leave the mountain.

They were both miserably walking when suddenly Taeyong slipped because of the wet ground, and was hanging on the edge of the cliff.
"Wahh! TAEIL! HELP!"screamed Taeyong.
Taeil ran to him and gave out his hand for him to grab.
"Can't you teleport back here?" Taeil asked worried.
"No, I can't! My powers are feeding to much dark energy..." yelled Taeyong.
"I'm sorry Taeil,  but I don't know how much longer I can handle this.." Taeyong said between tears.
Taeil's eyes widened.
"No..please don't you leave me too, NOO!" Yelled Taeil as he say Taeyong falling down the icy cold mountain.

Jaehyun noticed Taeil and Taeyong freeze when the saw each other. They were not moving for a long time now. He got up from his chair and walked to both of them. He snapped his fingers in front of Taeil and Taeyong's face.
They both shook their heads.
"Are you ok?"asked a worried looking Yuri.
"Do you guys know each other?"asked Jisung raising his eyes in curiosity.
"Yes, yes we do" Said Taeil staring right at Taeyong.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it was short.
By the way, I have decided to give a name to Y/N. I think it will be better if she will have a specific name. Hope you guys don't mind it. I was deciding to call her Yuri Moon. I will be editing it later cuz its gonna be alot of work an i don't think i  can make it today.😩Whatcha think of the name i put for Y/N?

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