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Class finally came to an end and everyone started packing up and leaving for their next lesson

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Class finally came to an end and everyone started packing up and leaving for their next lesson.
Yuri packed her books and pencil case and shoved them in her bag and flung it over her shoulders, still mad about getting detention. She was about to walk to Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun who were waiting for her at the entrance door to the classroom, when Yuta caught her arm gently. Yuri turned around and raised one of her eyebrows.
"Would you like to eat lunch with me and Taeyong? You can bring your friends too if you like." He said smiling brightly. How could she reject such a cute boy? So logically she agreed.

Yuri nodded. "Sure why not?"
They both walked to MK, JY, and JN. Everyone had already left tor lunch. There was no one left in the classroom.
"Yuri, looks like you did exactly the opposite of what Taeil wanted you to do. Make friends." Said Johnny grinning. Yuri looked down at her feet to embarrassed of the situation. Jaehyun however, didn't find it funny.

"Johnny, this is serious." Jaehyun said eyeing Johnny angrily. They completely forgot Yuta was standing there.
"Wait, Taeil told you not to make friends? Oh right! Of course, because of the spies right?" Asked Yuta curiously. Yuta understood what he said and put a hand over his own mouth.
Mark, Jaehyun, Johnny and Yuri shot their heads at Yuta. Shocked that he knows. Why does he though?

"How do you know about the spies and how do you know Taeil?" Jaehyun asked wide eyed; he immediately moved Yuri behind himself.
"You're a spy... I'm sure of it." Said Johnny frowning.
Yuri looked at them both and said: "Guys let's not come to conclusions so fast.." The others just ignored her as if she was a young kid who didn't know anything and went back to arguing...
Yuta smirked.
"I'm the spy? If I am why is Yuri standing next to me, huh? Why isn't she staying away from ME?" Yuta said angrily.
Mark Johnny and jaehyung blinked, confused.
"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Mark raising his eyebrow.
Yuta turned to look at Yuri.
"Yuri, do you feel negative energy coming from me? Do you feel as if you are stabbed when you stand next to me?" Yuta asked looking straight into Yuri's eyes.

I felt a connection between Yuta from the first time I laid my eyes on him. I feel happy...His eyes were so calm...and mesmerising. I hate to admit it but...i think i like him..He's not a spy...I'm sure of it.

"No, I don't...." Yuri said finally, smiling at Yuta. She turned to Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun.
"Guys, it's not him I'm sure of it." Yuri reassured.
"Then how can you explain how he knows about TAEIL? " Said Jaehyun. The door of the classroom opened and someone entered and closed the door behind him.
"Because we are the protectors." Said the voice who entered behind Johnny, Mark, and Jaehyun. Yuri turned to look who said that.

It was Taeyong. He walked towards them. Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun immediately turned around wide eyed.
Yuri rolled her eyes and sighed.

"That is like the third time I heard someone say nonsense. From when I could talk and walk, Taeil always told me not to make friends cuz there were spies, spies that I have no idea what the hell they want. Now Yuta keeps treating me as if I'm a godess saying he's sorry and keeps bowing and I have no idea how he knows my mom's name. Then Taeyong comes in and says he's a protector, I guess Taeil told you to protect me?" Yuri said crossing her arms.

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