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Jaehyun was talking with Mark when suddenly Yuri stopped walking and clutched her heart

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Jaehyun was talking with Mark when suddenly Yuri stopped walking and clutched her heart.
"Yuri? You ok?" He asked raising my eyebrows.
"O-oh me? I'm good. Uh, I'll be back in a moment. You guys go find a seat in the class and I'll be there soon, I just need to go to the bathroom." Yuri said.
'She looks rather nervous.. Is it because it's her first day at this school? Nah, she isn't that type of person' Jaehyun thought.

He looked at Johnny to see what he had to say.
"Hyung, doesn't Yuri look rather strange to you suddenly, and the guy also who walked past her. Did you see Yuri's reaction?" Jaehyun asked curiously.
"Yuri? Not really, she usually is strange because it's what makes her our Yuri. But the guy.... why do I feel I have seen him for some reason before...." Said Johnny raising an eyebrow.
They fell silent...

"Guys, if we are going to find a seat we have to do it fast or else we will have to sit with people we don't know." Mark said breaking the silence.
"By the way is it ok if Yuri wears the necklace that her mom gave outside the house?" Asked Mark raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah I guess, if she couldn't I don't think Taeil would have allowed her to wear it." Said Johnny.


Yuri looked around for the bathroom and found it in a empty corridor. She was about to enter the bathroom when she saw two people at the end of the corridor. She caught a few words they were saying and it made me stop dead in my track...

"I'm pretty sure Moon Taeil's sister and her protectors will be coming to this school." Said the voice.
"Are you sure? If you're correct all we have to do is become friends with Yuri and she can tell us where Taeil is. Cuz I'm pretty sure they both live together." Said the other voice.

'They know Taeil? Who are they? Could they be the people who were in my dream? But I remember the voice from dream' and it didn't sound like this one. This one...was a sweet and melodic voice...' Those questions were swirling in her head.

She started walking towards the two boys. They are really good - looking! One of them had his hair long till his neck, and the other one had sparkly eyes, warm eyes. Yuri found herself blushing, but shook her head to get that thought out.
The two boys stopped talking and noticed Yuri coming, they raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you two know who Taeil is?" Yuri asked eyeing them suspiciously crossing her arms over her chest.
"Where you eavesdropping on us?" The guy with the sparkling eyes said.
"I heard you talking about something that is my business. So, do you know who Taeil is or not?" She asked seriously.

The long haired boy chuckled.
"Listen hear, this is none of your business, so I think it will be better if you keep your pretty nose out of our conversation." He said smirking.

'Wow! What a jerk! Do they think they own the world just because they look pretty?!' Yuri thought, annoyed.
They were about to walk away when she said:

" I think it is my business, cuz you were talking about me and my brother behind my back." Yuri said glaring right into their eyes.
"And how are we supposed to believe you?" The sparkly eyed guy said frowning.
Suddenly the long haired guy locked his eyes on Yuri's necklace..
"T-taeyong, I-It's her...look!"
The long haired guy pointed at her necklace. A golden colored sun necklace.

"Omo..." Said the guy named Taeyong and started hitting his head continuesly on the nearest locker having a breakdown.
The long haired guys bowed deeply at me and started saying:

"I'm so so so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.. Oh by the way my name is Yuta Nakamoto.. please dont banish me from Earth... also is your mother's name Park sooyoung?" He asked quietly looking up from his bowing position.
"Um yeah, how did you know? But what do you mean by banishing you from Earth...?" she asked laughing awkwardly.

Taeyong suddenly looked up.
"Taeil didn't tell you anything?" Taeyong said raising his eyebrow.
"Tell me what?" She asked seriously.
In the middle of all this, the bell rang.
"Ohhhh great. That's it, if she's not going to kill for speaking like that, his brother will." Yuta groaned.

"I'm sorry I can't explain it to you you will have to ask your brother about it. Cuz there must have been a reason he didn't tell you." Said Taeyong considering. Yuta just realised the bell rang.
"Oh no, what is your first lesson?" He asked.
"Math, you?" Yuri said annoyed.
"Oh you will be with me in the first lesson." Said Yuta smiling.
'His smile... is so unique...Yah! Snap out of it, they are weirdos..' Yuri thought.

"What about you Taeyong? What's your first lesson?" She asked.
"I have science. Anyway It was nice meeting you Yuri." He gave her a smile, bowed and left.
Taeyong left for his science class and me and Yuta ran as fast as we could to reach the classroom. 'This was all I needed now, being late on my first day and probably end up having detention on my first day. Now that I come to think of it I don't know why I'm trusting these two so fast when Taeil warned me not to make any friends here. But I have a feeling they are nice. I'll give them a chance, and besides not everyone is bad, Right?' That thought seemed to trigger her.

Yuri and Yuta took a deep breath, knocked on the door and entered the classroom. Everyone stared, looking at her and Yuta. Johnny, Jaehyun, and Mark didn't look too happy.
The teacher glared at Yuta then raised a brow at Yuri.
"Are you Ms. Moon?" The teacher asked crossing her arms.

"Yes I am. I'm really sorry I was late." She said bowing hoping she won't get detention.
"Well, Ms. Moon please introduce yourself to the class."
Yuri turned to look at the class and greeted everyone: "Hello, my name is Yuri Moon. Hope we can be friends."
She bowed and looked up no one smiled or said anything.

The teacher said: "This time I shall forgive you and Mr. Nakamoto. But next time, I won't hesitate to give you detention." He said seriously.
She and Yuta sat two desks behind Mark and Jaehyun. The moment the teacher turned his back on the class Yuri started to get text messages from Mark.

"Where were you?"

"I met two cute weirdos😂 I will explain everything at lunch.

"Ok, but you better explain all of!!

"Who is it?" Yuta asked curiously.
"The blonde ramen haired guy at the back" she said pointing at Mark sitting behind her, grinning. Yuta looked over to where Yuri was pointing, and saw a guy with blonde hair, shaped like ramen.
"Ohhhhh" Said Yuta understanding the joke.
"Ms. Moon, is there something you would like to tell the class with Mr. Nakamoto?" The teacher asked raising his eyebrow.

I just stayed quiet.
"Detention both of you. At my office today after school."
Yuri's jaw fell open not believing what just happened.
Yuta patted her back. "Don't worry at least you are not alone." Yuta said grinning at her.
Yuri glared at him and that seemed to shut him up. "Eeehhh sorry.." He said grinning removing his hand from her back.
'Oh great, bad luck runs after me everywhere I go..' she thought. Little did she know it was just the beginning.
Yuri groaned and rested her head on the desk, mad at life.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the story! Did you guys ever have detention on your first day of school?

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