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The man in the black cloak whispered: "Hello Taeil

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The man in the black cloak whispered: "Hello Taeil."
He looked up at him and they both locked eyes. Taeil immediately recognised the man with just a glimpse of his eyes.

Taeil's eyes widened and he felt his body freeze. Yuta and Lucas had their guns at the ready, a serious look on his face. Taeil managed to raise his hand in front of Yuta and Lucas and motioned them to lower their weapons. They both looked back and forth but slowly decided to lower it.

"It's ok, it's Mr. Kim, my uncle." Taeil pointed out in relief.

The man removed his cap and brushed his hair back with his fingers. He had big upturned eyes that glistened in the dark night. Taeil opened the door wider for him to come in. Yuri raised her eyebrows in surprise, unlike the others who were shocked. They immediately bowed.

"Hello, Mr. Kim." They said in unison. Mr. Kim bowed back. He smiled over at Taeil and Yuri who looked baffled but happy.
Yuri ran to Mr. Kim and hugged him cheerfully. "Hi Uncle Xiumin! I missed you! It's a long time you didn't come and visit." pouted Yuri. Xiumin grinned and ruffled her hair.

He turned to Taeil and patted Taeil on his shoulder and muttered: "I need to tell you all something important." Xiumin looked dead serious.

Uncle Xiumin used to visit me and Taeil when I was little--Yuri thought--He was a really fun person to be with. But he was very mysterious and would often whisper things to Taeil and would avoid some of my questions. The last time I saw him was at my birthday party when I was 11. He would say he was always busy with personal stuff, that's why he couldn't come...

Yuri looked over at Taeyong questions buzzed like bees in her mind, waiting to be answered.
"Hey Taeyong, why are you and the others so formal with my Uncle? Do you guys even know each other?" She asked curiously.

"Actually--" Lucas's sentence was cut short by Xiumin.

"How about I deal with the matter I came here for, and then we will answer all your questions, Yuri. Cuz I'm sure Taeil explained everything to you right? But there is something that I have to tell you all. The reason he didn't tell anything about your mother is because I refused to let him do that... I thought it was for the best to keep you out of danger." He suggested with a smile.

Yuri nodded and replied: "I'm sure what you did and wanted was for the greater good. I trust anything you do Uncle Xiumin. By the way, how did you know?"
Xiumin smiled. "Let's say I heard you guys from afar." informed Xiumin. Xiumin laughed heartily at Yuri's confused face.

"Everyone please sit, there is something you need to know." Xiumin directed pointing at the sofa near the TV. They all settled down and everyone's eyes were on Xiumin.

Xiumin sighed deeply and looked at Yuri who was sitting next to him. "So you know about your mom and Irene, but I'm pretty sure Taeil didn't tell you anything about me right?" asked Xiumin. Yuri shook her head and Xiumin took a deep breath and resumed.

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