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●Back at the house where the spies live

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●Back at the house where the spies live.

There was a big living room where the ceilings were made of lit up black crystal. In the middle of the room was a big glass table that had a dragon stone statue.

On either sides of the table were silver coloured sofas. Opposite both the table and two sofas was a big marble - made mantel piece with a TV on top.

The room also consisted of two big stairs that lead to 5 bedrooms and a big balcony. In between the stairs was a big mysterious yellow glass elevator.

There was also PVS windows so you could see the view outside. It was a rather dark and cloudy night.
On one the sofas sat three boys, who were around 19 years old.

Two of them were 'busy' playing games in their phones. The other one was furiously typing on his laptop frowning. On the other sofa, another guy was sleeping crossed armed.

There was two other guys in the library desperately looking for a book.

"Urgh! Chenle, even your presence is freaking cold! Will you stop sticking to me? I'm trying to focus here but it feels like it's snowing inside." Said the guy who was typing on his laptop.

"Me? Wah, maybe your just angry that Doyoung told you to track anyone related to Taeil. And besides, the coldness you are feeling when I'm here is not under my control, Renjun." Chenle said.

Renjun scoffed. "As if!"

"Stop imitating me, Jaemin." Added Chenle coldly at the other guy who was playing with his phone and mimicking how Chenle was talking.

Jaemin grinned and turned around and yelled at the two guys who were in the library. "Any luck, Ten and Hendery?" He asked desperately wanting 'yes' as an answer.

"Shh! You're going to wake Winwin hyung up." Whispered Renjun pointing at the guy who was sleeping on the sofa.

All of a sudden they all heard a crashing sound come from the elevator.

Ten and Hendery where caring books but they were shook by the sudden noise that all the books fell from their hands and crashed on their foot.

A groan came from both of them. Renjun was pretty shocked too, he grabbed his laptop, covered his head and shrieked thinking something crashed to the ceiling and was about to fall on his head.

Jaemin and Chenle snickered at Renjun.

Winwin on the other hand looked like as if there was an earthquake right under the sofa he was resting on.

His eyes popped open and he fell from the sofa and hit the floor. "Ow.." he said as he rubbed his head that crashed the floor. That's when the yellow-colored elevator door opened and inside was:

Doyoung, Xiaojun, Kun and a bleeding Yangyang in their hands. Everyone's eyes widened by what the witnessed.
Ten and Hendery ran from the library to the others.

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