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Yuri was sleeping in a very bright lit room. It had a big TV, a closet, a cute-colored, mini sofa which was dark purple in color.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It looked like she was planning to go out soon.

Cuz she was wearing a light blue turtle neck with black jeans.

She also had sapphire earrings in the shape of a butterfly.

Yuri was frowning slightly as she slept. In her dream, a man was saying:

"Yuri, Yuri, its me your father. I will meet you soon my child. Wait for me." He smiled his cute dimples showing.

Yes, she finally got to see her father, but his eyes were...confusing.

That's when Yuri remembered what uncle Xiumin had said a month ago:

"If you see your father in your dream, tell Taeil immediately. Because your dreams aren't normal dreams."

But Yuri's sensed something weird from her dream as she slept.

She felt a diffrent energy. An energy she felt not long ago.

Yuri's eyes shot open. She noticed someone was sitting at the edge of her bed.

He was wearing a white collar shirt with a black tie and trousers.

Yuri noticed it was Taeyong as he turned around to take the remote control from the bed.

He turned on the news channel.

"Neo Culture Technology will be presenting a big, new, special invention soon that will be used all over the world. The founder of N.C. T: Moon Taeil, announced this invention will be made with the other team members of the company and the co-founder, Lee Taemin. They say-"

Taeyong turned off the TV. Yuri suddenly yawned which made Taeyong startled, because he didn't notice Yuri was awake.

"Oh, you're awake? I was looking for you and I noticed you were asleep. So I didn't wake you up. Lucas said he needed to check our café and while we're at it, we could have a drink there. Are you in?" Taeyong asked.

Yuri nodded in agreement. "Sure, why not? It's been a long time since we last visited your café."

Yuri mostly likes staying in the company, like now.

That's why, Taeil decided to make a part of the company like a house.

So sometimes they stayed at the company and sometimes they stayed back home.

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