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The Spies house

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The Spies house

"Why?!!" whined Chenle stomping on the ground angrily as he saw the news channel on the TV talking about Taeil.

The other members were just sitting thinking of a plan.

"You can't keep quiet for a second can you?" Kun said trying to read in peace.

"You just have to admit they were one step headed of us this time." Ten said grinning.

Hendery raised an eyebrow. "You're happy it turned out that way?" He said.

"I'm just saying." Ten said rolling his eyes.

Renjun walked to the living room from the kitchen holding a tray filled with cupcakes. He was wearing a flowery apron too.

When Jaemin saw what Renjun was wearing, he bursted out laughing. "What is that weird apron? When did we even buy that?"

Renjun rolled is eyes. Winwin did a nervous laugh. "I might have bought that accidentally."

"Whatever, I tried making some cupcakes. I haven't tasted them yet." Renjun said placing the tray on the table.

Do young made the first move, took a bite of the cupcake.

He could barely swallow it. His eyes were twitching.

"Did you say you haven't done a taste test yet?" Doyoung said tears coming out from the corner of his eyes because it was so salty.

"Aw, look Renjun! Doyoung loves your cupcakes so much he's crying!" Chenle teased, laughing so hard he almost fell off the sofa.

Winwin was about to taste it but he changed his mind after hearing that question from Doyoung.

Yangyang laughed out his heart on that one.

"Renjun, I knew you weren't that good at cooking, but I didn't expect you to put salt thinking it was sugar!" He said.

Renjun turned red. "How did you know?" Kun asked grinning.

"Don't blame me, his mind exposed him. His thoughts were too loud for me too ignore." Yangyang said clutching his stomach cuz it started hurting after all the laughing.

"I can't stand it anymore. I need something sweet! Who's coming with me to a café?" Suggested Winwin.

"Me!" a crack voice came from the kitchen. Everyone's head turned to the kitchen then to Renjun.

"Oh, it's just Xiaojun." Renjun assured.

"He's probably watching Dramas again." Hendery said.

"Yeah, I agree. It shows from his cracky voice he's getting emotional." Ten said grinning.

"I'm out." Said Winwin walking to the door. "Me too." Ten said.

"Me three!" Added Yangyang. "Me four! We sound like a number train." Laughed Jaemin.

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