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"Father..?" Yuri whispered in disbelief. The man smiled a dimpled smile.

Yuri couldn't believe her eyes! This day was finally here!

Her father came on the same day she dreamed about him!

Yuri noticed she doesn't look much like him, so she thought she must look more like her mother.

"He's your F-Father?" Jungwoo repeated confused. The others understood and gasped.

Taeil's eyes were so wide it would have fallen out of its sockets.

Yuta however, frowned.

So this is Yuri and Taeil's father? He thought.

How did he come on the same day Yuri had the dream?

It just doesn't make sense.. something is fishy...

Yuri ran to her father and hugged him tightly. Tears swarming out of her chocolate brown eyes.

Her father hugged her back crying silently.

He looked up at Taeil and noticed his eyes were kinda red.

He motioned Taeil to come over. Without hesitation, Taeil ran to him and the three were hugging, not letting go.

The others smiled, happy for then that they finally found their father.

The three finally broke the hug.

"So, you're their father?" Asked Jeno.

The guy nodded.

"My name is Chanyeol. Nice to meet you." Chanyeol said.

"Nice to meet you too! I can't believe we finally found you! Well, more like you found us." Jisung said grinning.

"Yeah, we needed to find Yuri. Then, when we did, we found out that she will see you in her dream a few days before we find you." Said Johnny.

"Turns out it took less than a day for us to meet." Said Taeyong grinning.

Jaehyun was rather hesitant to ask this question but he went for it.

"You're human, right?" Asked Jaehyun.

Chanyeol nodded, surprised by this sudden question. He looked over at Yuri and ruffled her hair.

"I believe little Yuri here probably got her powers, right?" He said.

"Well, no. Not exactly. We haven't seen her get her power. We don't even know what to expect from it." Said Haechan playing with his hair laughing akwardly.

"Since she is the next heir, she must have more than one power. It must also be much more powerful than ours." guessed Yuta.

Chanyeol's shoulder slumped. "Oh..I see. So then, I guess we'll have to wait. Until then, let's go have some fun as a family." Smiled Chanyeol putting his arms around Yuri and Taeil.

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