7:: Midnight Talk and Cleaning Operation for Hawks Bedroom

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A/n: Lmao took a few days of break while drawing things for this crappy fan fiction. It feels so long, which is 2 weeks. Your author is not really fond of procastination yet she do it anyways. Oh well... enjoy this chapter, if you will enjoy it...

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Hey Monoma! If a soap
drop in a dirty floor, does
it makes the soap dirty,
or the floor clean? Ack-

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You can't sleep. And I mean... you CAN'T sleep.

Not because of insomnia. No no... the author's sleeping schedule is a lot more weird and unhealthy unlike yours, despite being an artist that have many ideas in their head 24/7.

But rather... it's because of this annoying pest's who won't stop giggling like a maniac and watch you while you stare at the dusty ceiling that you are sure you gonna clean tomorrow morning.

I mean... it wasn't cute like Perona's ghost, because this little bitches is pulling face every now and then, giggling, watching, trying to touch you which resulting in you flinching and trembling, even hissing at them as a warning.

You are sure this little shits is amused by your reaction.

Why. Just why?

This isn't a fast paced shit-ass fan fiction with many creepy shits, for christ sake! Why must god above reincarnate you into a world full of political shits, dangerous adventures and other typical shonen anime things you will clearly get familiarize with each jokes memers throw in the internet!?

You want to bump your head so bad. You want to cry. But you don't want to annoy Monoma in the other ro-


You flinched, yelped even, and immediately sat up from your bed as you stared at the person who's standing menacingly in front, staring at you all the while holding the door's handle tightly as if the door knob did something horrible to this monster's grasp.

Monoma doesn't intended to do that but he was extremely pissed that he doesn't care if he makes this impostor Hawks get scared.

He's pissed because of this little shits keep bothering him whenever he closes his eyes.

But he admit that a certain questions keep bugging his mind. Especially to this person who's face is the same as the popular hero from his... world.

No. He doesn't really fully admit defeat that he's completely thrown from a world completely different from his own.

But the man who he unknowingly trusted to the point he will shut his mouth and listen made him realized that such a bizzare thing as this situation is completely real.

"Monoma why the f- I mean why are you here!? You almost scared me-"

"I want to talk to you, Hawks-san..."

You flinched when Monoma emphasize the name you are currently using. And the look alone from his eyes tells you that you are no safe from the questions he will ask until the day you embrace death, as much as how you wanted to keep your personal life to yourself.

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