11 :: Anger's and Savior Pt. 1 (Republish)

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I just published the last chapter and then suddenly saw my notifications telling me a bunch of readers voting adding damn book to their reading lists!? What is this sorcery!?

Ps. This is a republish... wattpad messed with the chapter formation and IS TESTING MY PATIENCE-

╔.★. .═══════════╗

Maybe if I have more
braincells to function
properly then you and I
would've get closer

╚═══════════. .★.╝

"What!? What the hell do you mean!? I think I'm going deaf!"

"I never thought of you to have a self awareness."

"Hush! First Garp, then there's a damn wolves in our backyard!? Count me out!"

"No you're coming with us! You're an adult"

Grim and Hollow nodded, and you wailed.

"I don't want to be a snack for the wolves! And worst of all I'm shit at fighting wild beasts!"

"Then you're a pussy."


Monoma's vein appeared, and he's trying his best to restrain himself from punching you to oblivion. No he doesn't want you gone because you mostly do the work.

"Okay maybe I don't mostly know how to avoid troubles- BUT I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!"

That was him seconds ago, he doesn't need the man to do all the work. Honestly he just looks like Mineta from Class 1-A, but is no pervert. He just wants this coward to disappear when he started wailing again, this time louder.


He screamed, getting more pissed at the fake Hawks. You stared at him with teary eyes as you scowled after.

"Then do it on your own! You're a hero right!? Isn't heroes supposed to save people in need!? I'm just an artist that died and then I'm in a body of a fucking tall Hawks! I don't even know how to fly properly! And my feathers is still growing back!"

Monoma just stared at you in silence. You averted your eyes, pouting in silence.

Supposed your statement is right, since he was a hero in training. You're just an artist with no experience whatsoever in combat since you took your time paining in your empty canvas, not to mention you originaly has no quirk. Then you suddenly turning into a man who's a popular hero and wake up in a middle of nowhere without any context creates a lot of questions.

He clenched his fist. Lying or not, he doesn't care anymore since he spent his time mocking the rivals of his class, doing little training s because he believes that he's strong because he can observe anyone using their quirks and use it to his advantages, thus making everything seems easy.

Until he was faced with wars.

He turn around silently and walk away. Perhaps he just ask another day.

"I... Monoma- I'm sorry...!"

You reached out your hands but have no movement to catch up to him. You sighed, frustrated. You didn't think properly on what you're saying now he probably doubting himself if he was a hero or not!

You ignored the two in the background, choosing to grab the mop left in the ground and the buckets filled with soapy water.

You put the items into a cart and started pushing the cart to where Monoma go.

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