15 :: Guide to Use Guns for Dummies and Secrets

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╔.★. .═══════════╗

Wait so I have to do
this and that? This
manual is confusing...

╚═══════════. .★.╝

Ah. The joy of training. It's fun, if it wasn't for your clumsiness and paranoia Eric would've been impressed in your potential.

Clearly you are super jumpy, and even checking that the gun wasn't jammed or some shit you fear that you explode your wrist because you're weak as fuck.

Well... besides that... Eric is not as merciless as you think. He's strict, but let you take things slowly. Even if you want to ask him about swordsmanship you doubt he try to teach you since his main weapons consist of long range.

But that's for another time. You need to improve your aim so you can use the feathers of your wings. You might have forgotten about that time where you literally took all of your feathers just to hide that big ass wings, and you also forgotten that Hawks can feel each of his feathers.

That might sounds confusing but you get the point.

Now, a revolver in hand, you glared at the red target as you ignored your hammering heart. Pushing down the hammer, seeing the cylinder rotate and slowly moved your index fingers towards the trigger.

You hesitated, but swallowing your fear as you ignored your arms about to give up, and pushed the trigger.

The loud bang of the gun was slightly muffled from the headphones that protected your ears. Your body slightly flinched, and seeing that this time you hit the target not far from the middle, you danced in joy.

"Eric-san! I did it! Yes!"

You cheered, forgetting the gun in your hand for a little while before you stopped and handed the gun back to Eric who's watching you for a while now. His lips curled upward slightly, taking the gun as he placed it on top of the table.

"Good. You're getting hang of it."

He said, praising you a little as you smiled in triumph, your chest swelling in pride.

Meanwhile Monoma was swiping the floor along with Shinso in the second floor. The latter was still nervous to talk around you for a week now, and the blond feel like his sanity almost snap when Shinso keeps avoiding you and running away like a mad man.

He needs to keep Shinso out of whatever is stopping him from talking to the birdman. Usually, Shinso is composed, lazy, and sometimes a tease. Yet...

"What really is wrong with you Shinso-kun...? You keep avoiding Hawksan everytime you see him. You also never join us in the table to eat."

He was tired. And hell he just want the old Shinso back. This place is taking a toll of him.

Shinso stopped wiping the window, deciding to get back down to the floor and ignored the swinging hanging flower pot. Technically he was still disturbed that the paintings talks, and the furniture moves. But that feelings is nothing compared to what he feel about the fake pro hero.

He doesn't really understand why. But just seeing you standing doing nothing made all of his hair stand up and back away. As of you're some kind of dangerous person when you came out as a caring dork.

But who he was kidding. You are too paranoid, a dumbass, and a worrywart. He knows you're not just worrying about trivial things, but he knows there's more. And Shinso is sure as hell Monoma knows about it too.

You're hiding something.

"Monoma, I know you know it. That Hawks..."

The blond only rolled his eyes, leaning to one of the furniture as he sighed.

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