0| was that a movie reference?

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[UNKNOWN] sir this is a mcdonalds.

[Hotch] ... What?

[UNKNOWN] sir. this. is. a. mc. donalds.

[Hotch] Who is this? How did you get this number?

[UNKNOWN] I am inevitable.

[Hotch] And I am Ironman.


[UNKNOWN] was that a movie reference????

[Hotch] Yes. Now, who is this?

[UNKNOWN] Idk if I should be surprised or what.

[UNKNOWN] anyways, I work at the same place u do, if that helps?

[Hotch] A name would be much more helpful.

[UNKNOWN] mm no.

[Hotch] Then goodbye.


[UNKNOWN] ok fine

[UNKNOWN] how about n00bmaster?

[Hotch] No. Your birth name.

[UNKNOWN] don't you know giving strangers your real name is dangerous, sir?

[Hotch] You said we work in the same place of business.

[UNKNOWN] but we've never held a conversation :)

[UNKNOWN] which makes us unacquainted strangers. :))

[Hotch] Ok. Then how did you get my number?

[UNKNOWN] we have a mutual friend.

[Hotch] And their name?

[UNKNOWN] sorry, that's classified.

[UNKNOWN] I promised I wouldn't tell, so they'd live :)

[Hotch] Hm.

[UNKNOWN] brb someone died again smh

[Hotch] ... Okay.


[UNKNOWN] so how'd your day?

[Hotch] It'd be better if I knew who was texting me.

[UNKNOWN] aww but then I'd lose my charm!


[Hotch] You never had that to begin with.


[UNKNOWN] damn ok breaking my heart like that

[Hotch] I'm assuming you had some sort of trauma in your recent years, using humor to deflect any uncomfortable feelings you have.

[Hotch] So are you texting me because you're simply bored or because you're lack of confidence to approach me in person?


[UNKNOWN] u know, most ppl would take someone out before analyzing their behavior :<

[Hotch] Take out? As in a date?

[UNKNOWN] or a sniper.

[Hotch] ... Concerning but ok.

[Hotch] Sorry for the change of topic, but may I ask a favor?

[UNKNOWN] sup?

[Hotch] Say, I were to . . . prank someone. What would you suggest?


[UNKNOWN] I guess it would depend on who it is. a good prank is based on the person.

[Hotch] I'll put it simply. A certain coworker of mine has decided to switch all of my twist pens to clicking pens. I hate them and need some sort of revenge.

[UNKNOWN] ok a subtle prank to match a subtle but maddening prank....

[UNKNOWN] okokok i got it.

[Hotch] I'm listening.

[UNKNOWN] since they enjoy pens, maybe slowly, each day, take away their pens.

[UNKNOWN] if they buy new ones, grab em and hide them. But do it slowly so the pens steadily decrease and it's not immediately noticeable.

[Hotch] ... Alright. Thank you.

[UNKNOWN] yw :)

[Hotch] By the way.


[Hotch] Tell Garcia to give me a heads up the next time she decides to share my number.

[UNKNOWN] i-... will do. 

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