8| wap

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[Morgan] So heard the new Cardi B song?

[Reid] With Megan Thee Stallion?

[Garcia] omg Reid knows who Megan is :,)

[Reid] Both rappers have become very popular in social media and in turn the radio usually mentions them a few times a day.

[Reid] Yes I know them.

[JJ] Morgan, is it that song with the big mac thing?

[Morgan] Mhm ;)))

[Garcia] You could park ur big mac truck in *my* garage ;)))

[Morgan] mm maybe later bby girl.

[Hotch] Enough of WAP talk. We have a new case.

[Hotch] Side note, has anyone added Prentiss to the chat yet?

[Reid] I don't believe so, no.

[Garcia] Oh boo

[Morgan] I got this

[Morgan] has added [Prentiss].

[Prentiss] Hello! :)

[Reid] No.

[Hotch] Meeting room, we have a case.

[JJ] Yes sir.

[Prentiss] .... O..Kay.




[Hotch] No.


[UNKNOWN] but hotch!!!

[Hotch] I will block you.


[UNKNOWN] aight

[Hotch] Thank you.

[UNKNOWN] hey hotch?

[Hotch] Yes?

[UNKNOWN] remember that rlly nice tie u got?

[Hotch] No.

[UNKNOWN] but :(

[UNKNOWN] hotch i just wanted to borrow it!

[Hotch] This may surprise you, but I know what WAP is.

[Hotch] I have listened to it.

[UNKNOWN] omg u have??

[UNKNOWN] hotch thats so scandalous??

[Hotch] No more WAP jokes or references.

[UNKNOWN] :( fine.

[UNKNOWN] have fun! and good luck on ur case!

[Hotch] Thank you.


[Hotch] What did you do?


[Hotch] Morgan hasn't stopped humming WAP, and Reid and Prentiss has joined as well.

[Hotch] I asked them to stop and you know what they told me?

[UNKNOWN] nope?

[Hotch] "Just reciting your favorite song, Hotchy."

[UNKNOWN] aye--

[UNKNOWN] thats beautiful.

[Hotch] No.

[UNKNOWN] i mean? its a popular song?

[Hotch] That's not the end of it.


[Hotch] Someone burned a disk.


[Hotch] And WAP has been playing. For three hours. On a loop.

[UNKNOWN] oh god

[UNKNOWN] this- this is wonderful :,)

[Hotch] Unknown.

[UNKNOWN] its the song of ur ppl!!

[Hotch] No.

[UNKNOWN] :( fine

[UNKNOWN] I'll have Garcia reel in the dogs.

[Hotch] Thank you.



[Hotch] Good work today, everyone.

[Morgan] Thanks boss

[Reid] Thank you. :)

[JJ] np!

[Gideon] Yes, ditto.

[Prentiss] Thanks!

[Reid] No.

[Morgan] Out of curiosity, hotch

[Hotch] ?

[Morgan] How do you plan on getting back at that unknown person

[Morgan] For you know, earlier?

[Hotch] Don't worry about that.

[Garcia] ...

[Hotch] :)


[UNKNOWN] good job!

[Hotch] Thank you, baby girl.

[UNKNOWN] ... is this morgan?

[Hotch] I don't know, is it?

[UNKNOWN] ur spelling and punctuation isnt consistent with morgan's

[UNKNOWN] who r u and wheres hotch???

[Hotch] I'm actually in my office.

[Hotch] See me?

[UNKNOWN] ... oh god

[Unknown] hotch are u high?? did u get ruffied??

[Hotch] perfectly sober.


[UNKNOWN] is that the tie

[Hotch] I can't quite tell, is it?

[UNKNOWN] ok what is this

[UNKNOWN] what game

[Hotch] No game.

[Hotch] Be careful, though.

[UNKNOWN] ..w,,why?

[Hotch] Wouldn't want any issues.

[UNKNOWN] oh god

[UNKNOWN] i see ur play here

[Hotch] And?

[UNKNOWN] ur an ass

[UNKNOWN] it worked.

[UNKNOWN] now begone thot

[Hotch] Enjoy your WAP.

[Hotch] This is, by the way, Morgan.

[UNKNOWN] son of a-


[Garcia] started a conversation with [Mar]

[Mar] ??

[Garcia] So we might have a small issue?

[Mar] what do u mean

[Garcia] JJ saw you.

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