9| rip bambi

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a/n: omg?? thank you so much for the support this book has been getting?? Ily guys?? 


[Garcia] Look at what cutie's grazing by the highway!

[Garcia] sent a photo.

[JJ] Awe! How cute!!

[Reid] A deer, how cute. I'm surprised you spotted one so close to the highway.

[Morgan] That's cuteee

[Hotch] Surprisingly nice to see in the morning.

[Prentiss] Awweee that's so adorable!


[Morgan] Ok, why is Garcia acting a little strangle?

[JJ] You noticed that too??

[Reid] I have as well.

[Prentiss] Yeah, what's up with that?

[Hotch] You all do realize she's in this chatroom, correct?

[Morgan] Sshhh hotchy

[Morgan] Did something happen? Did one of yal say smth???

[Reid] If someone did, it's not me.

[JJ] Same

[Prentiss] ^


[Morgan] Smh.

[Morgan] Look, I think I found garcia's deer friend.

[Morgan] sent a photo.

[JJ] Jesus, come onnn Morgan

[Prentiss] Aw hell nooo

[Reid] Seems it was hit by a car.

[Hotch] Please no graphic pictures in the group chat.

[Morgan] Sorry. Its terrible how many times you see roadkill.

[JJ] Especially deer...

[Garcia] oh god.

[Morgfan] There you are!

[Garcia] why god? why??

[Reid] ...??? Garcia? Are you okay?

[Garcia] ...

[Garcia] Well... if you rlly wanna know...

[Garcia] has added [UNKNOWN] to the chat.

[UNKNOWN] i'm here to turn myself in.

[Hotch] Pardon?

[Morgan] Wait what??

[Morgan] Are you the same unknown from before??

[Reid] What crime have you committed?

[UNKNOWN] i murdered bambi.

[Hotch] ... Bambi? Like the Disney deer?


[Reid] You mean, you killed the deer on the side of the road?

[Reid] Was it on purpose?




[Morgan] Omg how could u??

[JJ] I met a murderer??????

[JJ] Jesus

[Hotch] You what?

[UNKNOWN] JJ abort.


[Hotch] You met Unknown, JJ?

[JJ] Uhhh

[JJ] No?

[JJ] I meant Garcia!

[Morgan] Garcia isnt the one sayin she killed bambi tho

[Prentiss] I'm very confused.

[Reid] No.

[UNKNOWN] oh! you must be emily, right?

[Prentiss] ... Yes?

[Prentiss] Do I know you?

[UNKNOWN] we've seen each other in passing, sure

[UNKNOWN] but im just here to make hotch's life a little more harder :)

[UNKNOWN] and apparently become a murderer

[Garcia] It wasn't your fault bby!!

[UNKNOWN] lies

[Reid] Actually, deer are more likely to be killers in these scenarios. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are about 1 million car accidents with deer each year that kill 200 Americans, cause more than 10,000 personal injuries, and result in roughly around $1 billion in vehicle damage.

[Reid] This was more of a battle between how good your car, and how strong and pointy the deer antlers are, and how firm and big their body is.

[UNKNOWN] ......

[UNKNOWN] so i can claim self defense?

[Hotch] ... Sure.

[UNKNOWN] :,) thank gods i'm not a murderer.

[UNKNOWN] tho rip bambi still :/

[Hotch] Are we just going to pretend JJ didn't imply she's met you before?


[UNKNOWN] has left the chat.

[Prentiss] ... Hotch has a girlfriend?

[Reid] Something like that, it seems.

[Hotch] No.

[JJ] Uh we got a case.

[Gideon] Meeting room.

[Morgan] Dammit.

[Reid] On way.

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