5| dumblewhore

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[UNKNOWN] what was the biggest betrayal in a movie/tv show

[UNKNOWN] like to this day ur still bitter abt

[Hotch] Hm.

[Hotch] When the entire Harry Potter series ended with Severus Snape becoming a hero.

[UNKNOWN] fair.

[UNKNOWN] i hate him equally as much as dumblewhore tbh.

[Hotch] I-

[Hotch] That was a clever use. I snorted at it.

[UNKNOWN] ://> thank u good sir.

[Hotch] Your turn to answer. What was yours?

[UNKNOWN] hermmm

[UNKNOWN] since u went with hp so shall i

[UNKNOWN] i will forever be bitter abt dobby and fred.

[Hotch] Mutual. Dobby hurt.

[UNKNOWN] yes. yes he did.

[UNKNOWN] tho i gotta ask--

[Hotch] ?

[UNKNOWN] do you like harry in the books? or did his every action piss u off

[Hotch] Not really. I was more interested in the other characters to really care, if I'm honest.




[Reid] Which is better, Harry Potter or Twilight?

[Morgan] Twilight

[JJ] Harry potter!

[Garcia] why cant i have them both?

[Gideon] Twilight sounds more sophisticated.

[Hotch] Harry Potter.

[Reid] ... Morgan? Twilight? Really?

[Morgan] Are you judging me???

[JJ] Absolutely.

[Garcia] I'm not!

[Morgan] And thats why I love you, babygirl ;)

[Hotch] Keep it PG.

[Hotch] Did anyone eat yet today?

[Reid] Not yet

[Hotch] Lunch in 5. No if's or but's.

[Morgan] Yesssss

[Garcia] :>


[Hotch] Twilight or Harry Potter?

[UNKNOWN] hm did ur team go over this?

[Hotch] Garcia?


[UNKNOWN] and twilight. jacob black can maul me anytime

[Hotch] ...

[UNKNOWN] wait no


[UNKNOWN] tho death does sound nice

[Hotch] I have way too many concerns.



[UNKNOWN] i have concerns of my own now

[Hotch] ?

[UNKNOWN] you gave garcia... a sock?

[Hotch] ... To put into evidence, yes.


[UNKNOWN] i though it was some weird ode to our hp convo from before.

[Hotch] No, the victim today was strangled with it.

[UNKNOWN] yikes.

[UNKNOWN] reminds me of the tube sock killer a while back.

[Hotch] Similar, yes.

[Hotch] however, I'm not for sure this ones motives yet.

[Hotch] I'll tell you more later. Another body.

[UNKNOWN] good luck!


[Hotch] he was sexually motivated.

[UNKNOWN] Sock man?

[Hotch] Yes.

[UNKNOWN] yuck. idk how the sicko could even use a sock, the smell kills me

[Hotch] Ditto.

[UNKNOWN] whats your favorite movies series between hp and twilight?

[Hotch] ... I enjoyed the scenery and the aesthetic of Twilight, but Harry Potter didn't make me cringe at how toxic and horrible the relationships were, for the most part.

[UNKNOWN] mood

[UNKNOWN] tho if im being completely honest-- hunger games wins. hands down

[Hotch] I'm actually unfamiliar with that series.

[UNKNOWN] rlly? its so good

[Hotch] Perhaps I'll have to look into it.

[UNKNOWN] mayhaps :)

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