23| this weekend

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a/n: ily guys! thank you for all the support on q and wattpad! unfortunately, we're winding down to the last few chapters! I hope you enjoy!


[JJ] So do we want to do something this weekend??

[Prentiss] I'm down

[Garcia] HELL YEA

[Mar] actually--

[Mar] Would yall kill me if i said i already made plans this weekend

[Prentiss] What kind of plans O,O

[Garcia] ^^^^

[Mar] W e l l

[Mar] I have a date :3

[JJ] Oh god

[JJ] AG A I N ??

[Garcia] Its gotta be hotch

[Prentiss] Omfg

[Prentiss] At this point its confirmed.


[Mar] Its not hotch

[Garcia] are u kidding????

[Mar] No?

[Mar] IDK why yall are hellbent on it being hotch

[JJ] bc of yalls "thing"

[Prentiss] Didnt you have a while thing abt having a crisis abt liking hotch??

[Mar] First off, no we don't have a "thing"

[Mar] yes but also like,,, he probably doesn't like me back so I'm moving on.

[JJ] what.

[Garcia] i will shoot the fuck out of you

[Prentiss] what she said

[Garcia] ARE YOU BLIND??

[Mar] No just being logical tbh

[Prentiss] HE LIKES YOU


[Mar] Sure whatever bud

[Mar] Anyways I'm going to this steakhouse called Kilgaines

[Mar] Any good?

[Garcia] jesus

[Garcia] YES??

[Garcia] Its amazing

[JJ] ^^

[Prentiss] their mashed potatoes are to die for.

[Mar] :DDD


[Hotch] So you have a date.

[Mar] Penelope really needs to learn what is and isn't available to the public on info

[Hotch] Who is the lucky guy?

[Mar] Why?

[Mar] Jealous? O,O

[Hotch] Just curious.

[Hotch] You didn't seem like the type to casually date.

[Mar] I'm not.

[Mar] He goes to the coffee place I get our stuff from and he's a regular like myself

[Hotch] Oh.

[Hotch] So what did you consider our trip to the movies?

[Mar] A date.

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