15| i dont like you

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[Mar] no reason

[Mar] but who the blondie who went into hotch's office and has been in there for the last 30 minutes

[JJ] That would be Julie

[Garcia] Ahhh yes

[Garcia] She was a star athlete in his high school years, went to college at Standford, and was Valedictorian for her class there. She works in the Court in Missouri.

[Mar] . . .

[Mar] I wanted a name, not her biography.

[Prentiss] Lol

[Prentiss] Why the sudden interest in Ms. Kim?

[Mar] Ms. hm?

[Mar] Aight.

[JJ] She's just here to go over the details about our latest catch. Ya know, apart of his job?

[Mar] Oh no I'm aware. :)

[Garcia] Mhhhhmmmmmm ;>>>

[Garcia] If i didn't know any better, I'd say someone has a widdle crush :>

[Mar] Id rather die than have a crush on Mr crooked tie.

[Prentiss] You do spend an awful lot of time admiring that crooked tie.

[JJ] Sounds like a crush to me.

[Mar] How dare you all.

[Mar] I'll prove it.

[Prentiss] Oh really?

[Prentiss] This ought to be fun.

[JJ] ^^

[Garcia] Ok. How do you plan on doing this exactly? Hm?

[Mar] Well.

[Mar] Uh

[Garcia] Get back to us when you figure that one out mk ;)

[Mar] smh.

[Mar] Ok no bc why does it take 45 minutes to discuss stuff abt a case that lasted two days???

[Garcia] Why don't you ask him?

[Mar] Hm.


[UNKNOWN] ur tie is crooked.

[Hotch] Hello to you too.

[UNKNOWN] How'd your meeting go?

[Hotch] Well enough. Though I don't see why it concerns you any.

[UNKNOWN] It cut into my sneaking time. Enjoy ur nonexistent coffee, sir.

[Hotch] Oh.

[Hotch] Well thank you for the sentiment. I'm sorry my meeting inconvenienced you.

[UNKNOWN] Dont let it happen again smh

[UNKNOWN] I'm joking FYI

[Hotch] Are you?




[Morgan] Garcia, why are you inspecting Ms. Kim?

[Garcia] Looking for a friend.

[Garcia] Whhhhyy?

[Reid] Are you that bored today?

[Rossi] Why do I have two coffees on my desk, one with Hotch's name.

[Hotchner] I was in a meeting when UNKNOWN got coffee. I'll be by for that.

[Rossi] Damn.

[Morgan] Baby girl, are you really inspecting Ms. Kim bc you're bored

[Morgan] Or because your friend wanted to know

[Garcia] . . .

[Garcia] I'm bound by the spell of sisterhood ok

[Prentiss] I thought she sounded jealous.

[JJ] Meh, just more annoyed tbh

[Hotchner] Keep the chat relevent

[Hotchner] We have a case.

[Morgan] Damn.

[Reid] On way.

[Rossi] Yes sirrr


[Hotch] So.

[UNKNOWN] . . . so?

[Hotch] You were jealous? Of Ms. Kim?

[UNKNOWN] . . . I'm murdering Garcia. This is my formal confession

[Hotch] Its quite amusing, honestly.

[UNKNOWN] Idk what u mean, murder is very serious sir.

[Hotch] J, why are you jealous

[UNKNOWN] Im not jealous, ur jealous

[Hotch] Reverse psychology won't work on me. I thought you'd know better than to try that on a profiler.

[UNKNOWN] why would I be jealous

[UNKNOWN] I mean its not like that kim lady was pretty or anything

[UNKNOWN] or that she was in your office for almost an hour

[UNKNOWN] she was totally flirting with u FYI

[Hotch] J.

[UNKNOWN] yes?

[Hotch] Calm down. There's no shame in liking someone.

[UNKNOWN] Why does everyone think i like u

[UNKNOWN] I like BOTHERING you, sure

[UNKNOWN] but like? nahh...

[Hotch] Jack asked about you, by the way.

[UNKNOWN] . . .

[UNKNOWN] did he

[Hotch] He wants to come back for some more candy.

[UNKNOWN Did you just change the subject

[Hotch] It seemed like it was bothering you.

[UNKNOWN] . . . Keep this between us, please.

[Hotch] Garcia will never hear about it.

[UNKNOWN] Thank god.

[UNKNOWN] Hurry back safe from ur case, please

[UNKNOWN] Bc ur next hint will be waiting :)

[Hotch] I'm looking forward to it.

[Hotch] : )

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