11| mistakes

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a/n: random but?? thank you guys?? for all the support?? omg ily all and enjoy!

[UNKNOWN] so god woke up and chose violence i see

[Hotch] ... Pardon?

[Hotch] Are ... Are you high?

[UNKNOWN] in this economy???

[UNKNOWN] ur adorable

[Hotch] Okay...

[UNKNOWN] i made the mistake of going back to college to finish and get my bachelors in psychology

[UNKNOWN] and the last six weeks of the semester is upon me

[Hotch] Oh.

[Hotch] Maybe I could help? I took law and then went back and did psychology and a few other majors like that.

[UNKNOWN] the only help i need is to be helped out of my misery

[UNKNOWN] what would happen if i stuck a fork in a toaster thats plugged in???

[Hotch] You would probably be electrocuted.

[Hotch] And depending on the severity, dead.

[UNKNOWN] oh how nice


[Hotch] Don't you dare.

[UNKNOWN] :( but

[Hotch] You still owe me a hint.

[UNKNOWN] oh yeah

[UNKNOWN] btw ur tie is lookin real tight today

[Hotch] You concern me.


[Hotch] Hm.

[Hotch] Be back, got a case.

[Hotch] And stay away from toasters.

[UNKNOWN] yes sir :>



[Prentiss] Why did Hotch tell JJ to throw out the toaster?

[Mar] JSJS

[Garcia] What???? Is that who throw it out???

[Garcia] I was looking forward to my grilled cheese :(

[JJ] Hotch just told me to throw it out. Something about "suicidal dumbasses??"

[Mar] ... a,,anyways

[Mar] hows the case coming?

[Prentiss] .... Mar. :)

[JJ] Are you okay??? Do you need therapy??

[Mar] ok rude first off

[Mar] everyone in this chat needs therapy smh

[Prentiss] Fair.

[Mar] I just joked abt wanting to stick a fork in a toaster that's plugged in Bc of finals???

[Mar] i never mentioned the death of said toaster

[JJ] Ahh I see.

[Garcia] You do realize you're friends with a bunch of psychologists on crack, right ?????

[Prentiss] Ooo!! Are you studying something we know?

[Mar] i- yeah psychology

[Mar] ok hold on brb I gotta leave hotch his hint for the day

[JJ] Poor hotch

[Prentiss] When do you exactly plan on telling him???

[Mar] imma b honest

[Mar] I haven't planned that far ahead

[Garcia] ..... s i g h


[JJ] Pshhhh

[JJ] Hotch is really just a giant teddy bear waiting for the right person

[Mar] .... no

[Prentiss] Have you ever had an actual face-to-face conversation with him??

[Garcia] Once a few years ago she did :)))

[Mar] penelope we promised to never speak of that cursed moment

[JJ] Ohh now I gotta know

[Mar] ughhh

[Mar] first week working in the office and I slammed into him and burnt the both of us with a fresh cup of coffee

[Prentiss] Y I K E S

[JJ] Omg

[Mar] he tried to apologize and help clean up but my pride and my scaredy-cat ass choked up and blubbered smth stupid abt it being my fault and r a n

[JJ] That's.... ouch ok

[Prentiss] I mean, it could have been worse!!

[Garcia] ^^^!!!

[Mar] debatable.


[UNKNOWN] enjoy the joe :3

[Hotch] I thought I saw someone leave my office.

[UNKNOWN] wat.

[Hotch] So you have dark hair.

[Hotch] And, "I have talked to you."

[Hotch] That's the worst hint I've ever gotten.


[UNKNOWN] ok look I'm running out of inconspicuous hints

[Hotch] How about, your name! :)

[UNKNOWN] lmao nice try pretty boy


[Hotch] Hm.

[UNKNOWN] fine one last hint for a while

[UNKNOWN] my last name starts with a j.

[Hotch] Oh.

[Hotch] Thank you. For the coffee and the hint.

[UNKNOWN] whatever u say, pretty boy

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