3| iphone tetris

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[Garcia] Ok so

[Garcia] You guys know how you're having issues with the internet?

[Reid] Yes?

[Morgan] mhm babygirl?

[Garcia] ;)

[Garcia] Well I found out that someone tried hacking into a few different districts so the IT department shut it down.

[Hotch] I'm aware of this.

[Gideon] What is an IT?

[Garcia] .....

[Reid] Should I?

[Morgan] Nono I wanna see this.

[Hotch] .... I'm actually unaware myself.

[Garcia] I'm both highly disappointed in you both and amused. ;)


[Hotch] What's an IT? Like, what does it stand for?

[UNKNOWN] ... it?

[UNKNOWN] like it it or it department it

[Hotch] IT department.


[UNKNOWN] it means international trainstation.

[Hotch] ... Are you sure?

[UNKNOWN] my best friend works there ofc.

[Hotch] Thanks.

[UNKNOWN] ur welcome :)



[Hotch] IT means International Trainstation.

[Hotch] Correct?

[Reid] ... What???

[Reid] O.o On what universe, exactly?

[Morgan] Isnt train station two words? Wouldn't it be ITS then?

[Garcia] I am not an Its. How rude, baby.

[Morgan] Sorry sugar pie :)

[JJ] ... To answer your question, no Hotch

[JJ] IT is not mean international trainstation.

[Hotch] ... Okay.


[Hotch] I'm aware you lied to me.


[Hotch] What does IT really mean?

[Hotch] And I mean the IT Department.

[UNKNOWN] ooohhh

[UNKNOWN] okok if you must know

[UNKNOWN] It's Iphone Tetris.

[Hotch] Are you sure this time?

[UNKNOWN] yep. I even looked it up for u


[Hotch] Thanks.



[Hotch] Iphone Tetris?

[Morgan] Now this is cruel.

[Garcia] I--

[Garcia] I

[Gideon] Really? huh.

[Gideon] What's tetris?

[JJ] ... I'll be in my office.

[Reid] I prefered International Trainstation, to be honest.

[Reid] Could you imagine Garcia just honking like a train instead of flirting.

[Morgan] Damn babycakes, you'd be one fine train tho ;))

[Garcia] I'm literally crying

[Garcia] thx honk honk

[Garcia] Wanna climb into my kaboos? ;))


[Morgan] ;)

[Hotch] .... So not Iphone Tetris.

[Garcia] nope :,)

[Hotch] Dammit.


[Hotch] Still incorrect on IT.


[UNKNOWN] damn.

[Hotch] Honestly this time. I have no way of looking this up, the internet is down.


[UNKNOWN] ok fine.

[UNKNOWN] try Interning Toddler.

[Hotch] ....

[Hotch] Something tells me that's not going to be quite right either.

[UNKNOWN] huh...



[Hotch] Yes?

[UNKNOWN] Insect Terminology!

[Hotch] ... That does sound more logical...

[Hotch] Thank you.

[UNKNOWN] ur welcome, young grasshopper. ;)



[Hotch] Ok. I believe I've finally found it.

[Garcia] Istg if its some silly ass name, a-a-ron.

[Hotch] What?

[Hotch] Anyways, it's Insect Terminology!

[Hotch] What was that noise?

[Reid] That was the sound of Garcia throwing her phone and crying.

[Hotch] Why? Is something wrong?

[Morgan] You done effed up, A. A. Ron. You done effed up.

[Gideon] IT means Insect Terminology?

[Gideon] But Garcia is with the internet?

[Hotch] ... Internet Terminology?

[JJ] So close yet so far....

[Reid] Can I please?

[Reid] Please.

[Garcia] Pls reid, baby angel

[Garcia] Put me out of my misery.

[Reid] Ok. The technical and official meaning of IT is actually; International Terrorists.

[Reid] Bye! :)

[Hotch] ... I don't get paid enough for this.

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