2| daddy issues

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[UNKNOWN] hotch,

[Hotch] ?

[UNKNOWN] ur tie is crooked.

[UNKNOWN] thought you'd like to know



[Morgan] Is there any particular reason Hotch keeps fixing his tie randomly??

[Reid] Maybe Hotch has some form of OCD?

[Garcia] Nah he thinks its crooked I think.

[Elle] Is that even possible?

[Elle] His tie is almost so....

[JJ] Perfect?

[Reid] Yeah.

[Reid] Hotch is everything okay?

[Hotch] Yes.

[Hotch] Reid, have you and Elle finished talking to the witnesses?

[Reid] Not yet.

[Hotch] Then stop texting and focus.


[UNKNOWN] are u ok??

[UNKNOWN] i saw u come in with ur arm in a sling

[Hotch] I just landed on it wrong.


[UNKNOWN] ok cool

[Hotch] Is my tie still crooked?

[UNKNOWN] idk is it?


[Hotch] Hm.


[Hotch] No hints?

[Hotch] At all? None?

[UNKNOWN] nope

[UNKNOWN] btw tell garcia that i like her hair :3

[Hotch] I'll pass.

[Hotch] Not very fair that I get to be tormented. How do I know you're not actually a killer who has a need to interact with the police?

[UNKNOWN] well first I got a psych evaluation when I got this job lmao

[UNKNOWN] and second, wouldn't that mean there would be some dead bodies coming around?

[Hotch] Just covering all of my bases.

[UNKNOWN] mhm.

[UNKNOWN] besides

[UNKNOWN] last i checked, having daddy issues doesn't *always* equal being a serial killer ;)

[Hotch] Whatever you tell yourself.




[Morgan] So is anyone gunna ask who Hotch's been texting with?

[Garcia] :)

[Reid] I have noticed he seems to be texting them more frequently...

[JJ] Maybe it's a secret admirer.

[Hotch] So it would seem.

[Hotch] Though I've figured they're far too shy to talk to me in person and enjoy helping me find ways to torture you all.

[Morgan] I suddenly dont like this person

[Garcia] she is pretty smart ;)))

[Reid] ... Garcia may I know this person's identity?

[Hotch] Yes, Garcia. Share with the class.

[Hotch] :)

[Garcia] .....

[Garcia] Hotch used a smiley face. My office is now locked.

[Morgan] Even for me, sweetcheeks? ;)))

[Garcia] awww sexy

[Garcia] Yes.


[Gideon] Case. Conference room now.

[Morgan] Dammit.

[Reid] On way.

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