1| pleasant dreams

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[Morgan] Ok so who's going to tell me where the hell my pens are going?

[Reid] You keep losing your pens?

[Reid] Wait- I thought you were the one stealing mine?

[JJ] oh no.

[JJ] not today please guys.

[Gideon] Don't you all have better things to do?

[Hotch] If by better, you meaning Reid redoing a rubix cube for the twenty-third time and Morgan creating a spitball shoot, Ell listening to the fourty-fifth Pussycat dolls song--

[Hotch] Then yes. They are quite busy.

[JJ] O.O

[Ell] Ok how dare you.

[Morgan] Ell do you have something to share with us?

[Ell] No I do not.

[Reid] Hotch, you're very observant today. Seems we're not the only one bored.

[JJ] not for long, suckers.

[Morgan] Pls no.

[JJ] case just came in.

[Hotch] Meeting room.

[Morgan] Awww

[Hotch] Now.


[UNKNOWN] so hows the plan doing?

[Hotch] To put it simply, both subjects have bottom three new bags of pens each.

[Hotch] I commend your devious thinking. Concerning, but useful.


[UNKNOWN] ur welcs oldie

[Hotch] ... Blocked.



[Hotch] Fine. I'll forgive on one condition.

[UNKNOWN] my name?

[Hotch] Yes.

[UNKNOWN] sorry but i'd rather stab myself in the eye with a fork and render myself blind.


[Hotch] Do you by any chance, have social anxiety?

[UNKNOWN] omg what. what abt me could have given you that idea???

[UNKNOWN] smh u and ur absurd thinking.

[Hotch] I'll take that as a yes.

[UNKNOWN] ok look in my defense,

[UNKNOWN] ur terrifying.

[Hotch] I am not!

[UNKNOWN} uhm.

[UNKNOWN] yeah. you are.

[UNKNOWN] I've worked here for almost five years, and i dont think I've ever seen you smile.

[Hotch] That's absurd. I smile all the time.

[UNKNOWN] .. mk. whatever helps you sleep at night honey

[UNKNOWN] subject change- but which poor unfortunate souls are you doing the pen thing to?

[Hotch] Morgan and Reid.

[Hotch] I found out Morgan got the idea from Reid so I decided to loop him into Morgan's punishment.

[UNKNOWN] yikes ur vengeful.

[Hotch] This was your idea.

[UNKNOWN] fair.

[UNKNOWN] oof- yikes.

[Hotch] What?

[UNKNOWN] ur new case, just got the details thrown at me.

[Hotch] Yeah. Bastard's a real piece of work.

[UNKNOWN] looks like it.

[UNKNOWN] good luck!

[Hotch] Thanks.



[Gideon] Good job everyone. Get some good sleep, you all deserve it.

[Garcia] Thanks Gideon. :,)

[Reid] Thanks, my elbow hurts still but I'm good.

[Morgan] Oh I won't be sleeping tonight ;)

[JJ] Ew

[Reid] Uh no. Pls not here.

[Ell] Morgan why. Why?

[Hotch] Go to sleep. All of you.

[Garcia] Yes sir!

[Reid] Actually, Hotch.

[Reid] Out of curiosity, why were you acting overly friendly today?

[Hotch] I haven't the faintest clue on what you're talking about.

[Morgan] Nah, brainiac has a point. I've never seen you smile that much.

[JJ] ... yeah. They're right

[Ell] Ditto.

[Hotch] ...

[Garcia] Commeee onnn hotchy-poo

[Morgan] :3

[Hotch] I think I just vomitted in my mouth at that.

[Hotch] Fine.

[Reid] ?

[Hotch] I was told today I am ... unapproachable, by someone.

[Hotch] Mainly because I don't smile often. Apparently I'm scary, or something.

[Reid] Oh.

[Morgan] oof.

[Garcia] awwe!

[Garcia] Hotch, you're not that scary!!

[Ell] Uh no they're not wrong, actually.

[Reid] You are a little scary sometimes.

[JJ] It's a little scary, but it can be charming!

[Garcia] and sexy ;)

[Reid] Ok now I just barfed a little.

[Morgan] Same.

[Hotch] ... Anyways. Good night. We have plenty of paperwork to do tomorrow.

[Garcia] rip yall

[Morgan] fu-

[Ell] night.

[Reid] Night!


[Hotch] Was I still scary?


[Hotch] I smiled more. To prove I'm not scary.



[UNKNOWN] no hotch. u were not scary. :)

[Hotch] So you work closely with my team, I see.

[UNKNOWN] wait wut


[Hotch] Oh contraire.

[Hotch] Pleasant dreams.

[UNKNOWN] unlikely

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