10| girls night

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[Garcia] has added [Mar], [Prentiss], and [JJ] to the chat.

[Garcia] Welcome, fellow bitches >:)

[Mar] its seven in the morning


[JJ] And saturday!

[Prentiss] ....

[Prentiss] Is this really early for you guys?

[Mar] yep

[JJ] U know, some of us actually love our sleep

[Garcia] Psshhhh

[Garcia] Yall are so over dramatic.

[Mar] i literally only got 2 hours of sleep but go off ig

[JJ] ^

[Prentiss] ...????

[Prentiss] Are you guys okay?? Like?

[Mar] :) never

[Mar] also hello i am mar, nice to meet u emily :))

[Prentiss] .. Are you a friend of Garcia's?

[JJ] Even better tbh

[Garcia] :)

[Garcia] Em, this is "Unknown"!

[Prentiss] Like??

[Prentiss] "Unknown" as in Hotch's ankle biting gremlin?

[Mar] aye-

[Mar] *munchkin technically

[Mar] but i'll take gremlin

[Prentiss] Oh.

[Garcia] ANYWAYS

[Garcia] I propose a fun idea!!

[Mar] oh god

[JJ] Oh boy.

[Garcia] .. I'm offended.

[Prentiss] I'm excited! What is it?

[Mar] adorable, but misplaced.

[Garcia] We should all have a girls night!!

[Mar] que qué?

[JJ] A girls night?

[JJ] All four of us?

[Prentiss] Is that a good idea?

[Prentiss] I mean, we don't even know "Mar" that well.

[Garcia] Ok excuse u


[Garcia] I've known her for ten unfortunate years

[Mar] wait-

[JJ] Oh-

[JJ] That is a very long time

[Prentiss] Ohh ok

[Garcia] <3

[Garcia] It'll be fun!!

[Mar] .....

[Mar] ill let that one slide, penelope.

[Garcia] ;)

[Garcia] We can do a movie night!!

[Prentiss] I suppose I could get some popcorn...

[JJ] I have a stockpile of disney movies we could binge...

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