25| ready? ready.

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a/n: this is it! last chapter. this is a truly bittersweet finish to this story. i never thought sender unknown would gain the attention it has and am eternally grateful for all of you reading and giving me your thoughts on this silly little text fic. i hope this ending is satisfying for you all. <3

[Hotch] You speak to no one of what happened last night.

[Mar] Whatever could you mean hotchy poo?

[Hotch] You know damn well what I mean.

[Mar] Hmm...

[Mar] oh!!

[Mar] You mean Mr. Cookie Monster?

[Hotch] Yes.

[Mar] Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. ;)

[Hotch] The winky face does not reassure me.

[Mar] :(

[Mar] Hmph. Garcia would trust me.

[Hotch] Garcia would trust a tiger to not eat her.

[Mar] tru

[Mar] Anyways.

[Hotch] Have a good day.

[Mar] Yes sir!

[Mar] also when u get a sec lemme fix ur tie

[Mar] Its a leeetle crooked.

[Hotch] Fine, come to my office in 5.

[Mar] I can be there in 3 ;)



[Morgan] So is there a reason Hotch's room was locked?

[Hotch] yes. I was doing things.

[Mar] things was me.

[Garcia] WHAT

[Rossi] Get it Hotchner.

[Hotch] I was not doing you, Amara.

[Mar] :(

[Prentiss] Mhm sure

[Prentiss] JJ do we have a case?

[JJ] We do. :)

[Hotch] Meeting room.

[Reid] Yes sir.

[Morgan] Sure thing ;)


[Hotch] Am I doing you now?

[Mar] In my defense

[Mar] I am a 13 y/o boy in an adult woman's body

[Hotch] That sounds,,, wrong.

[Mar] . . .


[Hotch] Anyways.

[Mar] We have a new season of stranger things O,O

[Hotch] We do. :)

[Hotch] Would you be interested in binging it with me this weekend?

[Mar] I would :3

[Mar] I'll bring snacks.

[Hotch] Excellent.


[Hotch] Actually, change of plans.

[Mar] ?? Everything alright?

[Hotch] I forgot I had a wedding to attend this weekend.

[Mar] Oh, no problem! We can rain check it. :)

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