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a/n: i miss them. </3

[Mar] greeting c-thunder.

[Morgan] . . . C-Thunder?

[Morgan] Wtf does that mean?

[Mar] . . . well it feels weird calling you chocolate thunder so

[Morgan] oh

[Morgan] OH

[Mar] Yea

[Morgan] Yeah no just call me Morgan please

[Morgan] C-Thunder is reserved for my babygirl

[Mar] *gag*

[Mar] Anyways I need a favor

[Morgan] . . . kk?

[Mar] Mine and Aarons anniversary is coming up

[Morgan] oh is it

[Mar] Yep

[Mar] And I need ur help recreating the *original* prank.

[Morgan] . . .

[Morgan] You don't mean-

[Mar] I do.

[Morgan] ...

[Morgan] I see.

[Morgan] I'll get with Reid and conduct a meeting. We'll get back to you on if we'll do it.

[Mar] excellent.


[Morgan] Alright.

[Mar] . . .

[Morgan] We'll do it.


[Morgan] On one condition.

[Mar] fuck

[Mar] Name the price

[Morgan] You have to convince hotch to name us employees of the month.

[Mar] . . . fat luck.

[Mar] I'll try.

[Morgan] Excellent.

[Morgan] Now sit back and watch.

[Mar] >:)


[Hotch] Mar.

[Mar] Yeeeees?

[Mar] Oh wonderful lover of mine?

[Mar] The sweetest ass I've ever had?

[Mar] The cutest goody-two-shoes I've ever kissed?

[Hotch] Where are all my click pens?

[Mar] :O

[Mar] Idk!!

[Hotch] Mhm.

[Mar] Whaaat?

[Hotch] No dick for three weeks.

[Mar] WHAT.

[Hotch] :)

[Mar] W H A T .

[Hotch] You heard me.

[Mar] *read

[Hotch] A month.




[Hotch] ... ew.

[Hotch] A year.

[Mar] You might as well kill me.

[Mar] SMH.

[Hotch] What are you up to?

[Mar] Nothing???

[Mar] Do you rlly trust ur adorable lovely s/o so little???

[Hotch] Do I seriously have to answer that?

[Mar] No <3

[Hotch] I'll be watching you.

[Mar] Omg stop you'll make me blush ://>

[Hotch] Blocked.



[Garcia] Mar reel in the goddamn hound.

[Mar] ??

[Prentiss] oh no

[JJ] ...

[Garcia] He came around sniffing for clues on what you're doing.

[Mar] *sigh*

[Mar] OFC he did.

[Garcia] and dearest bestie of mine :>

[Mar] No.

[Mar] I'm not telling you.

[JJ] That's awfully rude of you :(

[Prentiss] ^^

[Mar] <3

[Mar] No.

[Garcia] Whyyy?

[Mar] Bc if this backfires I don't want any of you to get caught in the crossfire. Thats reserved for Mr reid and morgan :)

[JJ] ... fair enough

[Prentiss] Have a nice day good luck.

[Garcia] <3

[Mar] <3 pray for my ass.


[Hotch] Have I ever mentioned how nice you look in that button-up shirt?

[Mar] O,O you have not

[Mar] But I could stand to hear abt it :)

[Hotch] Hmm...

[Hotch] Tell me where my pens are going and I'll woo you till the next week. <3

[Mar] ... tempting offer sir.

[Hotch] And?

[Mar] . . . Would you be interested in making Reid and Morgan employee of the month?

[Hotch] No.

[Mar] . . . Then I think you need to buy some new pens </3

[Hotch] Noted.


[Morgan] Is that the last of them?

[Mar] Should be. I'll see to it you get your award :)

[Morgan] You better. Do you know how hard it is to sneak round that man??

[Mar] Trust me.

[Mar] I know.

[Morgan] Mhm.

[Mar] Bless u.


[Hotch] . . .

[Hotch] Dearest.

[Mar] Yeees?

[Hotch] ... Say I was trying to get back at someone.

[Hotch] What would you suggest?

[Mar] :)

[Mar] COmpletely depends on what they've done to deserve your region of terror.

[Hotch] Reid and Morgan have decided to steal all of my clicking pens and replace them with the turn-pens.

[Mar] GASP?


[Hotch] I know.

[Hotch] Your thoughts? Suggestions?

[Mar] :) I'm so glad you asked.

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