14| hoe hoe hoe

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BAU Chat

[Prentiss] Someone remind me why Jack is here?

[Prentiss] Little devil snuck up on me and almost gave me a heart attack

[Hotch] I'm sorry, his aunt had an emergency.

[Hotch] Besides, Garcia said he could hang with her in case we get called in.

[Rossi] He sure is fast on his feet.

[Reid] He's adorable, how dare you Emily.

[Prentiss] hES THE DEVIL

[JJ] Jack is adorble, but evil.

[Hotch] Agreed.

[Reid] What?

[Reid] Your own son, Hotch?

[Hotch] No one knows better than I do.

[JJ] True that.

[Morgan] Just keep him away from my desk and all will be dandy. :)

[Garcia] What's in your desk love muffin?

[Morgan] :))

[Hotch] Morgan.

[Morgan] ;))

[Reid] Ew.

[Prentiss] Double ew.


[Hotch] caN Ii hAve one peperony piza?

[UNKNOWN] . . . what

[Hotch] peperiony piza

[Hotch] one

[UNKNOWN] . . . no.

[Hotch] one peperponi pzia!

[UNKNOWN] Idk what gremlin you are but I'm astounded you spelled pepperoni wrong so many times so many ways

[Hotch] piza peperponi!

[UNKNOWN] pls gremlim

[Hotch] are you santan clause?

[UNKNOWN] . . . oh god

[UNKNOWN] Are you hotch's little gremlin?

[Hotch] are you sanatah claus

[UNKNOWN] I mean

[UNKNOWN] We definitely both go hoe hoe hoe lmfao

[UNKNOWN] Please return ur father his work phone little gremlin.

[Hotch] why?

[UNKNOWN] I'll give you a snickers bar later >:)

[Hotch] relly?


[UNKNOWN] Hurry ;))

[Hotch] Oka


[Hotch] I sincerely apologize.

[UNKNOWN] No prob father

[Hotch] Please.

[UNKNOWN} *hotchy poo

[UNKNOWN] he's cute uwu

[Hotch] Yes he is.

[Hotch] Don't think I didn't see your terms and conditions with my child.


[UNKNOWN] Don't worry I'm not a fibber, I keep my promises.

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