7| nutella sandwhich

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[UNKNOWN] guess what :3

[Hotch] ... What?

[UNKNOWN] i got today off!!

[UNKNOWN] which means i get to binge tv shows and stuff my face with food

[UNKNOWN] actually i want a nutella sandwhich brb

[Hotch] Where you apart of todays attack?



[Hotch] A series of drugging happened today. Mainly Marijuana edibles. Five different departments in the buildings have had to send agents home due to be high.

[UNKNOWN] oh god

[UNKNOWN] i ate two brownies today

[Hotch] Did they not inform you when you were sent home?



[Hotch] Breathe. In through your nose and out through your mouth. You're fine, most brownies had varied amounts.

[UNKNOWN] ceretainly explains why i cant walk in a straight line

[UNKNOWN] how long does weed last????

[Hotch] It varies in the dosage. Maybe I should send Garcia home so she can keep an eye on you?

[UNKNOWN] so she can judge my copious amounts of nutella im consuming??

[UNKNOWN] no thx

[Hotch] Are you sure?

[Hotch] God dammit.


[UNKNOWN] did i do smth wrong???

[Hotch] What? No.

[Hotch] I just had to send Reid home because he's starting to show symptoms as well. Drug test on him also came up positive.

[UNKNOWN] yikey pikey

[UNKNOWN] hey hotch?

[Hotch] ... Yes?

[UNKNOWN] u kinda remind me of this dude from this movie my niece made me watch a billon years ago

[UNKNOWN] some weird live action flint stones

[Hotch] Oh god.


[Hotch] I thought I finally got rid of that.

[Hotch] I constantly got that after that stupid movie came out.

[UNKNOWN] u arent r u?

[UNKNOWN] the guy who was in it?

[Hotch] God no.

[UNKNOWN] omg ok good

[UNKNOWN] my entire life would have been crushed

[Hotch] Oh really?


[UNKNOWN] girls gotta have her crushes

[Hotch] Mhm.

[Hotch] Try and sleep off the drugs.

[UNKNOWN] yes sirrrrr

[UNKNOWN] hotch

[Hotch] Yes?

[UNKNOWN] ur rlly pretty

[Hotch] ... Thank you.

[Hotch] Tell Garcia I said hello.


[UNKNOWN] ... u actually sent her here i-

[UNKNOWN] thx.

[Hotch] No problem.


[Hotch] "Thx for the babysitter -ankle biting munchkin"

[Hotch] Glad to know the nickname is sticking.

[UNKNOWN] not going to ask how i knew ur coffee order?

[Hotch] You're best friends with Garcia. Enough said.


[UNKNOWN] u lookin a lil rough

[UNKNOWN] you ok?

[Hotch] ... yeah. Just rough case.


[UNKNOWN] if you ever need coffee to magically appear when ur not looking

[UNKNOWN] dont be afraid to ask.

[Hotch] Thanks.


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