6| ankle biting munchkin

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[UNKNOWN] drink your drugz and dont snort milk kids

[Hotch] ...

[Hotch] Pardon?


[UNKNOWN] just doing my daily good service with a lil reminder

[Hotch] ... I-

[Hotch] One part of that "reminder" is at least correct.


[Hotch] You concern me, sometimes.

[UNKNOWN] only sometimes? damn

[Hotch] Don't push your luck.



[Hotch] Did you actually try and tackle a policeman like a football player when you were 16??


[UNKNOWN] this is my formal confession for murdering penelope garcia :)

[Hotch] You can't ask a restaurant for ketchup, but will??? I'm?

[UNKNOWN] ok there are 2 key things here hotchner

[UNKNOWN] 1) i was 16

[Hotch] Mhm.

[UNKNOWN] and 2

[UNKNOWN] he said i wouldn't dare

[Hotch] ... So you did?

[UNKNOWN] ?? u wouldnt???

[UNKNOWN] the guy was mean anyways and made fun of penelope's weight

[Hotch] ... I'm not saying it was right.

[Hotch] But it hurt him?

[UNKNOWN] he broke his elbow and twisted his ankle :)

[Hotch] Hm. Good.


[Hotch] You forgot something.


[Hotch] Garcia also mentioned you did it because he taunted your height.

[Hotch] Unknown, are you short?

[UNKNOWN] .....

[UNKNOWN] if you hear garcia scream like shes being murdered in her office

[UNKNOWN] its bc she is

[Hotch] I can't take you seriously on that threat.

[Hotch] All I'm envisioning is a little munchkin from Wizard of OZ trying to stab Garcia.



[UNKNOWN] I will break ur knee caps

[Hotch] Hm that's if you can reach them.

[Hotch] Maybe you could gnaw at my ankles?


[Hotch] <3



[Morgan] Hotch

[Hotch] ?

[Morgan] Why is there a sticky note adressed to you on my table

[Hotch] What does it say?

[Morgan] "watch your ankles milk snorter"

[Morgan] Signed "-the ankle biting munchkin"

[Morgan] What the hell did you do this time?

[Hotch] ... Garcia.

[Garcia] Nope

[Hotch] Garcia leash your munchkin

[Garcia] Hotch ur trying to get me kijhgf

[Reid] I'm assuming that was Garcia being murdered.

[JJ] RIP garcia

[Garcia] hotch :)

[Hotch] Mhm?

[Garcia] this is ur fav ankle biter

[Hotch] Hello Unknown.

[Garcia] watch ur back. : )

[Hotch] I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see a chihuahua behind me. I'm quite tall, you know.

[Garcia] my cousin is 6'5" he will step on u

[Hotch] Hm.

[Hotch] I'll pass.

[Garcia] >:(

[Garcia] I'm back!

[Garcia] And alive!

[Reid] Good.

[Morgan] hey sexy momma ;)

[Garcia] ;)) hey mr. sweet ass

[JJ] Case.

[Gideon] Meeting room.

[Hotch] Even you, Morgan.

[Morgan] Dammit.


[Hotch] I hope I didn't go too far earlier.

[UNKNOWN] nah u good fam

[UNKNOWN] short ppl jokes are actually pretty funny

[Hotch] Good.

[UNKNOWN] also, nice tie today

[Hotch] ... Thank you.

[UNKNOWN] :) maybe you'd like me try it on one day

[Hotch] ... Where is this going.

[UNKNOWN] u know wearing ties as necklaces are pretty cool

[UNKNOWN] came into fashion for some weird reason thx avril lavigne

[Hotch] ... I'm aware.

[UNKNOWN] hey hotch

[Hotch] ... Yes?

[UNKNOWN] ur hands pretty nice too.

[Hotch] No.

[Hotch] Do not. Make that implication.

[Hotch] I had a sex life once I know what you're going to imply.

[UNKNOWN] .... that you wash ur hands regularly?

[Hotch] ...

[Hotch] Oh.

[UNKNOWN] and ur hand would be a nice choker on me :)

[Hotch] God dammit.

[Hotch] Well it's rather late good night.

[UNKNOWN] sweet dreams :)



[Hotch] Garcia.

[Garcia] ...

[Garcia] Morgan, baby.

[Morgan] ?

[Garcia] Say nice things at my funeral :,)

[Morgan] Sure thing babygirl.

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